Fujinon XF50mmF2 WR to be Announced along with X-A10 in November – POLL


Fujinon XF50mmF2 WR

According to a trusted source (thanks), Fujiiflm will announce the Fujinon XF50mmF2 WR along with the Fuji X-A10 in November.

The XF50mmF2 WR will be the third compact weather resistant F2 lens after the XF35mmF2 WR and the XF23mmF2 WR.

It’s a well known fact, that the XF35mmF2 WR is a terrific success for Fujifilm. Also the XF23mmF2 WR seems to sell like hot cakes now… and I wouldn’t be surprised if also the XF50mmF2 WR turns out to be a winner, too.

The other, long rumored lenses, like the XF33mmF1.0, XF8-16mmF2.8 WR and XF200mmF2 (or F2.8) have all been postponed, since Fujifilm wanted to focus on the small and compact F2 trinity + the 80mmF2.8 OIS WR (which replaced the 120mmF2.8 that was in the original roadmap).

And while I get it why people love those small weather sealed F2 guys so much, I hope that in 2017 Fujifilm will catch up were they dropped plans many months ago, and work again on the 33/1, 8-16/2.8 and 200mm…. would love to see them all coming in 2017…. but my personal favorite would be… the… ok, I said it in the Poll below ;)

have a Great day,
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XF23mmF2 WR: USA: BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS  XF35mmF2 WR: USA: AmazonUS / BHphotoFocusCamera / Adorama


Fujifilm Will Launch Lenses with Clickless Aperture for Video in 2017 – New Source


X-Video Lenses

According to a new source, Fujifilm will launch lenses with clickless aperture in 2017. These lenses are ment for X-shooters, who use their X-camera especially for videos.

Of course, take it with a grain of salt for now…

With the X-T2, Fujifilm now has a very good allrounder camera, with very fast and accurate Aufotfocus (so confirms even the Sony manager, who created the A7 series) and great video quality. And X-shooters, who use the X-T2 a lot for video, might appreciate the addition of such lenses.

I don’t know, yet, if Fujifilm will make a clickless aperture version of existing lenses, or if they are going to launch complete new lenses.

And while such lenses might be highly appreciated by video shooters, I hope Fujifilm doesn’t forget that some out there are still waiting for the XF33mmF1.0, XF8-16mmF2.8, XF200mmF2 (or 2.8) and some other lenses with a nice clicky aperture ring ;).

Fujifilm X-T2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

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Radio-Controlled Nissin di700A Flash for Fujifilm X available in Germany


The Nissin Di700A has just been released in Germany (sold via third party at Amazon.de). Thanks to the FR-reader, who dropped me this link to 43rumors.

We reported about the (radio controlled) Nissin Di700A flash for Fujifilm X back in March 2016 here. At that time, the flash was scheduled to be available for Fuji X within Summer.

Learn more about the Nissin Di700A at the official Nissin Page here.

Fujifilm Will Announce a “Never Rumored Before” X-series Camera in 2016!


The Next Fuji X

Just recently a reliable source broke for us the news, that Fujifilm has still something in the pipeline for this year (2016).

We all started to make our guesses. Could it be the long rumored Fujifilm X-T20 or X100F? Or maybe some new colors for existing cameras, like the dark grey (graphite?) X-Pro2 or silver X-T2? Or maybe a new lens, like the XF50mm? Some also hoped to see the Fujifilm X-E3 become real.

Well, the source just dropped me one more message via rumor box and said:

  1. it will be an X-series camera
  2. this camera has never ever been rumored (and talked about) before

This is the wonderful moment, where we all can start dreaming about the camera we desire (and let Fujifilm know about – you know that they not only read us, but even share our feedback at meetings – see here).

I wish you all a GREAT day :-)
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Fujifilm Will Announce One More Product in 2016 – (Source Right in the Past)


The amazing Fujifilm year 2016 might not be over ;)

In fact, I’ve just received a hint, from a source, right it in the past (it contacts me anonymously using a nick-name), that Fujifilm is planing one more product announcement in 2016.

The source didn’t gave any other hint.

Regarding the X-series, I don’t think anything new will hit the market already in 2016. I expect the Fujifilm X-T20, dark grey (graphite?) X-Pro2, silver X-T2, X100F, XF50mm & possible surprises to be available only in 2017. But keep in mind that the source talked of “announcements“. So it’s possible that Fujifilm decided to anticipate the announcement of a certain X-related product to late 2016.

Another possibility is the official announcement of the instax square camera, that Fujifilm just started teasing on their youtube channel (see video below). However, the official instax square site says it will hit the market in spring 2017…. a bit to early for an announcement this year I think.

If there is anyone out there, who can help me to get closer to the truth regarding this announcement (or anything else), feel free to contact me at fujirumor [at] gmail [dot] com. I guarantee you will remain 100% anonymous. But if you feel more comfortable, you can create a fake email account (which will allow me to chat with you). There is also the rumor box if you want. In this case, it would be helpful if you’d give yourself a nick-name so that I can recognize you in future.

Whatever it is… don’t miss it and follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter for real time notifications.

I wish you a great start in your new week