Size Comparison: Fujifilm X-S10 vs X-T4 vs X-T30 vs X-T200

Yesterday evening FujiRumors leaked the size comparison between Fujifilm X-S10 and Fujifilm X-T4.

In the comments to that post, some FR-readers took the sketches, and added the Fujifilm X-T30 as well as the currently ultra-cheap X-T200 to the comparison.

I’d like to thanks you guys for the help, and share two of the comparisons you made down below.

We can see, that the X-T30 is still slightly smaller. But not that much, actually, and consider that the X-S10 has also the IBIS unit build into it.

Now, we know the X-T10, X-T20 and X-T30 were absolute best sellers for Fujifilm. But I have the feeling that the X-S10 could do even better, as it features IBIS as well as a nice deep grip, features that many users want and so far could not find in a sub-1,000 Fuji X series camera.

The Fujifilm X-S10 has a terrific potential. Let’s hope it will turn out to be winner for Fujifilm.

Everything will be official on October 15. And everything about the X-S10 will be found on FujiRumors and the big live blogging we are going to have. Feel free to join us. :)

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Size Comparisons

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EXCLUSIVE: Fujifilm X-S10 Shape and Size Comparison with Fujifilm X-T4

Here is another rumor, exclusive for our wonderfully vivid and lively FujiRumors community.

I was chatting yesterday late at night with one of our sources. It was a very interesting talk, that went far beyond the X-S10 rumors.

Anyway… I told to the source, that me and many other mere mortal Fujifilm shooters following this blog, would be very curious to know how big the upcoming Fujifilm X-S10 is compared to the Fujifilm X-T4.

The source promised it can do something for us, to give us a clear idea about it, and just now I have received this sketch, where the red shape represents the Fujifilm X-S10 and the blue shape represents the Fujifilm X-T4.

And yes, of course the red shape is also an accurate representation of the Fujifilm X-S10. The viewfinder, the dials, the dimensions.

As you can see, Fujifilm managed to squeeze IBIS in a sensibly smaller body compared to the X-T4.

The Fujifilm X-S10 will be announced on October 15. As usual, there will be a non stop live blogging here on FujiRumors.

To read all Fujifilm X-S10 rumors, just search for X-S10 on FujiRumors (you’ll read the price, some additional specs, firmware features and more).

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FINALLY!!! Fujifilm X-S10 Full AUTO Mode will Capture also RAW files

LEFT: AUTO mode on X-T30 *** RIGHT: X-S10 mockup by FujiRumors (not real camera)
LEFT: AUTO mode on X-T30 *** RIGHT: X-S10 mockup by FujiRumors (not real camera)

Oh boy, I am complaining about this since at least two years already, and finally Fujifilm listened.

The issue?

When you shoot full AUTO, the camera records only JPEG files.

Some say this makes sense, as the AUTO mode is supposed to make it all for you and simplify your life.

And although I never shoot AUTO on my X-E3, it happens sometimes that I handle the camera to a friend or relative (or even to one of my little students). And since they are not familiar with photography, the AUTO switch comes in very handy.

The problem: it will write only JPEG files on the SD card. But even if it’s not me taking the pictures, it’s still my camera and my SD-Card, and I want always both, RAW and JPEG on my SD-card, as you never know, maybe there is some nice image there that could need a little tweak.

Also, here is another example a FR-reader made, and that shows how useful RAW capability in Full AUTO would be.

The FR-reader did set up the camera for long exposures, all full manual, and suddenly a beautiful bird came and rested shortly on a stone nearby. Without messing around with the settings, the FR-reader quickly switched the camera to AUTO and grabbed a picture of the bird before it flew away. And while in this case the Auto mode allowed him to capture the decisive moment, he would have loved to have the RAW file of that image too.

I strongly hope other Fujifilm cameras having the AUTO capabilities will get the AUTO-RAW capability via firmware update in near future. It would make the AUTO mode more useful for me.

And let’s hope they will adress also my other two big firmware complaints I have.

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Fujifilm X-S10 with 26 Megapixel X-Trans Sensor

Well, I actually gave this for granted, that I did not even ask any of my sources about it.

But somehow I noticed that the comments were on fire lately, wondering if the Fujifilm X-S10 would have an X-Trans or a Bayer sensor.

Well guys, I have told you that the Fujifilm X-S10 will be a “mid-range” camera, and as all Fujifilm mid-range cameras, it will have an X-Trans sensor.

Only the entry level and very affordable Fujifilm X-A line and Fujifilm X-T*** line have a Bayer sensor.

  • see here – Fujifilm BAYER vs X-TRANS Blind Test: 88% of Preferences Go To…
  • read here – Fujifilm X-Trans Vs. Bayer: Pros and Cons of Going Bayer or Sticking with X-Trans Sensor

Down below the Fujifilm X-S10 rumor summary:

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Fujifilm X-S10: Fuji’s First Mid-Range Camera with a Deep Grip

Fujifilm X-S10 mockup by FujiRumors (not the real camera)
Fujifilm X-S10 mockup by FujiRumors (not the real camera)

According to our sources, the Fujifilm X-S10 will have a nice deep grip, which I know many of you will love to hear.

It will be Fuji’s first mid-range camera with a deep grip, as the X-E3 and the X-T30, but also the X-T200 and X-A7, have none to very small grips only.

The only other Fujifilm X series camera with a deep grip is the Fujifilm X-H1.

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