How Fujifilm Could Improve their Fujinon XF Lens Roadmap

FR-reader Roberto contacted me with a long and very interesting email regarding on how Fujifilm should develop their lens lineup in future. In fact, I thought it is a pity if I’d discuss this topic only via email with him, so I’d love to extend the conversation to the entire FujiRumors community.

Also, it is a known fact that Fujifilm reads FujiRumors, not only thanks to the fact that high ranked Japanese manager “love” Fujirumors, but also because they look at our survey and use them internally, in some cases even implemented 1:1 the lens wishes the FujiRumors community wanted in their official roadmap.

No wonder, as there is no place on the web that connects so many Fujifilm shooters like here on FujiRumors.

FujiRumors is the best place for Fujifilm to get online feedback from their customers, and knowing this, we take full advantage of it, also by sharing articles like the one Roberto wrote for us, which I think contains some interesting feedback that will end up discussed internally by Fujifilm, and who knows, maybe at some point will also become reality.

So, Roberto did his job wonderfully, I do mine and share it here… but now it’s your time to do yours, by reading the article and discussing it in the comments.

How Fujifilm Could Improved their X Mount Lens Roadmap

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fotodiox PRO Pronto Adapter Firmware Update Available

We talked about the Fotodiox Pro Pronto adapter last year, an adapter that adds autofocus to manual focus lenses (you can see which mounts it covers via double adapting here).

The Fotodiox PRONTO autofocus adapter for Fujifilm cameras just received firmware update v1.13.

  • Fix to ensure the adapter retracts properly when the camera is shut down.
  • Few minor bug fixes.

The latest firmware is now available for download here.

DPRTV: Fujifilm’s 5 Best Film Simulations

Fujifilm film simulations are more than just cool names for camera profiles.

Film simulations are the art of the colors that Fujifilm cultivates since decades, so far that the guy, who developed the original Fujifilm film stock already 50 years ago, still works at Fujifilm and is now in charge of crafting the film simulations.

So, colors are a serious thing for Fujifilm and you can see what you can do with them over at our Fujifilm film simulation group.

Now DPRTV published a video, where they go over what they consider the 5 best Fujifilm film simulations.

  1. Monochrome: He prefers it over Acros.
  2. Provia: Standard camera mode. Good standard profile. Does not push things too far. Great skin tones.
  3. Classic Neg: Great for street photography. Distorts reality, but not in a gimmicky way. Great for street scenes, knocks shadows down and makes street scenes look very dramatic, takes away some color and gives a nice vintage look. Aged, rugged look.
  4. Velvia: great for landscapes. Gives contrast and vibrancy. Can add some punchy drama to colors that are faded and muted. Adds a bit of magenta to blue skies, which can be really pleasing in landscape photos. Not great for skin tones
  5. Nostalig Neg: available only on GFX100S and GFX100. Mimics that classic American film stock from the 70s (Kodachrome etc.). Lower contrast but still rich saturation, warm colors.

For Video:

  • Eterna: For video an almost perfect profile. Very easy to grade. When he shoots high contrast scenes, he shoots F-Log, but in post he will immediately put an Eterna LUT on the file. Jordan loves Eterna

Where I don’t agree, is when they say ASTIA is boring. In fact, it is actually one of my top favorite film simulation, because it gives me a great balance between pleasing skin tones and vivid, but not oversaturated colors. I use ASTIA almost always when I take landscape images with people in the frame. I find it gives me the best results, better than Velvia, which is not great for skin tones.

More film simulations talk:

  • fujirumors – Vote Your Favorite Film Simulation!
  • fujirumors – Fujifilm Colors Science: GFX vs X Series, From Superia to Classic Negative, More Film Simulations
  • fujirumors – Fujifilm Managers Talk Film Simulations: Origins, Evolutions, Goals, Misunderstandings, Bold Classic Negative and Much More
  • fujirumors – The Power of Fujifilm Colors: Why I LOVE Fuji Colors and See Them in Action at Our Film Simulations Group
  • fujirumors – Meet Minami-San, Fujifilm’s Color Guru Since 50 Years and Now Bringing Fuji’s Color Science from Film to Digital