JOKER Images Taken with FUJIFILM, Leaving Lightroom for Capture One, Fujifilm X-H2 Concept – Top October Articles

Here are the top articles on FujiRumors for October.

I hope you enjoyed reading FujiRumors in October, and I will give my best to give you an interesting Fuji-November ;).

  1. No Joke: Official JOKER Movie Images taken With Fujifilm X Series Gear ;)
  2. It Was Inevitable: I am Leaving Lightroom for Capture One Pro
  3. New Fujifilm X-Pro3 Hands On Images
  4. Fujifilm X-Pro3: Facts and Compared to Fujifilm X-Pro2
  5. Magnum Photographer David Hurn Shoots Fujifilm X: “Photography has Just Two Controls: Where You Stand and When you Press the Button”
  6. Fujifilm X-Pro3 Specs and Images Leaked: Improved Autofocus at -6EV, HDR Shooting and Lots of Firmware Improvements
  7. Fujifilm X-H2 Mockup – Ideas to Set it Apart from Fujifilm X-T4
  8. Fujifilm’s Classic Negative Film Simulation Coming via Firmware Update to X-T3, GFX100 and X-T30
  9. One Year After Leaving Full Frame and Shooting Weddings with Fujifilm X-T3 – Did it Work?
  10. How to Fine Tune Your Fujifilm Film Simulation to Get the Ultimate Vintage Look


Fujifilm X100V, X-H2, X-T4 and Any Other Fuji Camera will NOT Have X-Pro3 Hidden Screen – TRUSTED SOURCE

Fujifilm X100V

Let’s keep it short and clear: the Fujifilm X100V will NOT have the hidden LCD screen of the Fujifilm X-Pro3.

And to be even more clear: the Fujifilm X-Pro3 will be the ONLY Fujifilm camera with the hidden screen for the years to come. It’s unique to X-Pro3. Whatever comes, Fujifilm X-H2, Fujifilm X-T4, X-T40, X-E4, X100V, any GFX camera and more…. none of them will have the hidden screen.

Fujifilm X-Pro4? Well, I don’t know if it still has the hidden screen. As it is scheduled for 2023 anyway, I think not even Fujifilm itself knows at this point.

I hope that was clear enough. ;)

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Fujifilm X-H2 Mockup – Ideas to Set it Apart from Fujifilm X-T4

Fujifilm X-H2

Fujifilm hinted it already: both lines, the X-H and X-T, will continue to exist in future.

There is just one thing Fujifilm needs to figure out: how to differentiate them enough!

An idea comes from FR-reader Brad, who made a Fujifilm X-H2 mockup for us. Here is what he wrote to me:

  • Video centric X-A7 16:9 fully articulating screen (I’m ok with the current double-tilt too, but 16:9 would be nice).
  • If Fuji wants each of their camera lines to have a unique voice, then the X-H2 would have less photography controls and more video. So I removed the mode dial and added the Nikon Z6 video switch. This wouldn’t work as cleanly as on the Z6, since manual controls exist up top. It’s not like they’re going to add tiny motors to the dials, but this is for dreaming.
  • Replaced AF/AE-L with AF-ON, because that’s the only one I use.
  • I hate the Fuji joystick, so I used the Z6’s

So what do you think about it? Comments and additional ideas are welcome.

Thanks Brad, and check him out at and b.e.wooten Instagram (NSFW).

X-H3 version with Nikon Z50 alike on screen touch buttons

Panasonic Announces First Organic Sensor 8K Camera for Summer 2020 – Coming to Fujifilm X and GFX too?

Organic Sensor

Panasonic has recently announced the launch of the first 8K organic sensor camera for the 2020 Olmypic Games in Tokyo.

By putting an organic layer on top of the CMOS sensor, Panasonic promises three advantages:

  1. Wide dynamic range
    Additional 2 stops of dynamic range, from the current 14 stops to a target of 15/16 stops
  2. Global shutter
  3. Build-in Variable ND filters
    The use of conductive film allows to control the light amount coming to the sensor. You can control lights without changing aperture. You can maintain depth of field

After the Tokyo Olmypic games, Panasonic will put this sensor also into cinema, studio and consumer cameras, including the Lumix line-up. Full interview in the video below.

And Fujifilm?

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Important RUMOR Update: Fujifilm’s Next Rumored Camera Could be Just Anything and Here is Why!

The Next Fuji

Yesterday we reported, that, based on the registration protocols of the wireless parts the Fujifilm camera registered under the code name FF190003, Nokishita speculated that:

This didn’t leave much space for interpretation, since, taking away entry level cameras, the only Bayer sensor cameras in the Fujifilm world are GFX cameras.

But now I have been contacted by a Japanese reader, who told me google messed up the automatic translation, and the real translation is actually:

it appears that Fujifilm is going to introduce another model. From the model number of the wireless parts, it doesn’t seem like it will be a Xacti model, so probably it’s an X-Trans or GFX camera

This changes everything, since this means the FF190003 camera…

  • is not made by Xacti (hence no entry level Fujifilm camera)
  • could be X-Trans (!!!)
  • could be GFX

But there is more!

The reader pointed out, that probably Nokishita is speculating on the basis of the inclusion of bluetooth 4.2, which is not available in lower end Fujifilm cameras, whereas even lower end Fuji cameras use wireless IEEE802.11b/g/n.

This was correct, until the Fujifilm X-A7 hit the market, which also has bluetooth 4.2.

The conclusion:

The third registered camera could be just anything, from a flagship X or GFX series camera to an entry level X or GFX camera. It could be Bayer or X Trans. It could be made by Xacti or made by Fujifilm.

As soon as I can, I will lift this mistery ;). So make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed, Youtube, Flipboard and Twitter

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