Voigtländer Nokton 35mmF1.2 Sample Images and Officially Announced


The Voigtländer Nokton 35mm f/1.2 for Fujifilm X mount has now been officially announced by Cosina.

We already know pretty much everything on paper about it, thanks to the leaked press release and full specs. We discovered, for example, that the electronic contacts do not work with every Fujifilm X mount camera. To see the full list of supported cameras, check out this article.

What was missing where sample images, and now that the Voigtländer Nokton 35mm f/1.2 has been officially announced at the Cosina website, we have those too.

You can see all sample images down below.

Sample Images

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Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 Additional Images and Size Comparisons


We recently reported about some images of the upcoming Viltrox 13mmF1.4 popping up on the internet.

Now even more images can be found in an article shared at Peargear here (found via Fujistas).

Of particular interest the one of the front element, where you can see for example a 67mm filter size.

Also, I’ll include a size comparison of Viltrox 13mmF1.4 made by a FujiRumors reader and sent to me via email (thanks a lot).

You can see all images down below.

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Voigtländer Nokton 35mmF1.2: Electronic Contacts, Full Specs, Press Release and Official Sneak Peek


We’ve shared hands on images of the new Voigtländer Nokton 35mm f/1.2 for Fujifilm X mount earlier today.

Now we spotted an official teaser to this lens at the Voigtländer website. It’s in German, so I’ll share first the google translated version and then the original one in German.

Also, a Polish distributor has shared the full specs and press release, so we share that one too here on FujiRumors (google translated via optyczne).

Also in German you can find the full press release at photoscala (images below).

PRESS RELEASE and SPECS (translated)

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