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Fuji Guys Explain Which Battery Power Banks are Best for Your Fujifilm Cameras

Fuji Guy Billy shows you the different battery pack options to power your Fujifilm cameras.

  • standard 5V power banks will charge your batteries slower and can’t power your camera while you use it. But it’s a cheap alternative to charge your batteries while your camera is turned off
  • what you should get, is a power deliver battery bank. It can output much higher than 5 volts. For example, the Anker PowerCore+ 26800 PD (which I own, too), can output up to 20V
  • with higher voltage, you can power your camera
  • if you want to power your camera, use the USB-C PD (power delivery) connection that is on the power bank
  • many of those power banks come with high power deliver wall charger
  • you can connect the wall charger directly to the camera, and it becomes basically your AC Adapter
  • when you buy a power bank, make sure it states “PD” for “power delivery”

Fujifilm officially recommends the following PD power banks on their website.

Anker Accessories:

Official Fujifilm Power Bank Page

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Global Shutter: 120+ MP for Fujifilm GFX120 and 31 MP for Fujifilm X-H2?

the modular Fujifilm GFX - could a global shutter make it become real? - VIDEO BELOW
the modular Fujifilm GFX – could a global shutter make it become real? – VIDEO BELOW

We are talking since a long time, about the global shutter revolution coming to photography, and even Fujifilm itself talked about it, for example:

Inspired by an email of a reader, I went back to check which kind of global shutter sensors Sony has currently to offer.

Worth to mention and possibly of interest for Fujifilm shooters, are the following two:

  • IMX342LQA-C: 31.49 MP APS-C global shutter sensor and max. 35.4 fps – already reported here
  • IMX661LQA-C: 127 MP Type 3.6″ global shutter sensor and max. 15 fps

Clarifications & Reminders

Now, we know that the Fujifilm X-T4 and the Fujifilm GFX100 use the same sensor, just the one in the GFX100 is about 4 times bigger, hence it has 4 times the megapixel.

We also know that the current Fujifilm GFX sensor is a type 3.4″, hence slightly different than the IMX661LQA-C type 3.6″ listed above.

If we would take the 31 MP APS-C global shutter sensor and make a 3.4″ type of it, we would end up with about 123 megapixel on medium format Fujifilm GFX.

And as a reminder, Sony also released a 43 megapixel stacked APS-C sensor. The same sensor used on the GFX system would result in a 162 MP sensor.

Speculations: Fujifilm GFX120 and Fujifilm X-H2?

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Focus On Glass: Fujinon XF 50-140mmF2.8 Even Better with Future X Bodies and Why no OIS on XF 16-55mmF2.8

We already reported in this post, about the first episodes of the Fujifilm series “Focus on Glass“, which included the XF8-16mmF2.8 and the GF30mmF3.5.

Now new episodes have been uploaded at Fujifilm Spain, this time about two lenses, that we can define the “workhorses” in the X mount lens lineup, the Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8 and the Fujinon XF50-140mmF2.8.

It includes statements made by Fujifilm managers and engineers about those lenses, which I will report in written form here, to make you safe some time ;)

Fujinon XF50-140mmF2.8

  • no excuse is allowed for this lens:
    – autofocus has to be fast
    – image quality has to be impressive
    – weight has to be light
    – size has to be compact
    – it has to tick all boxes
  • it has outstanding resolution
  • a flawless lens
  • clear color reproduction
  • minimal chromatic aberration
  • Fujifilm is proud of the result
  • 23 glass elements inside with many ED lenses
  • the more the Fujifilm X bodies evolve, the more the potential of this lens is executed
  • an engineer says he can see its performance extended even further in future

Regarding the better performance in future, they probably refer to autofocus speed, but possibly also to sharpness. We know from this Fujifilm manager statement that Fujifilm X glass can resolve at least 32 megapixel, hence, Fujifilm might hint that the XF50-140mmF2.8 is one of those lenses that is currently underperforming on the 26 megapixel X-Trans sensor.

Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8

  • in order to maximize optical performance, Fujifilm decided to remove OIS, it was not an easy decision
  • it’s a must have lens
  • you can attempt any photo shoot with this lens
  • a reliable partner
  • no excuses are allowed, when making a red badged lens
  • Fujifilm would give it 5 stars

I have been told in the past by my sources, that the optical performance at the wide end did not satisfy Fujifilm completely, hence they decided to remove OIS. At that point in time a strongly debated discussion, but now that Fujifilm offers cameras with IBIS, we can say that in the long term this was the right decision.

You can see both videos down below.

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FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-H2 Dream Features, Fujifilm X-E4 Survey, Fujinon XF 135mm F3.5 and More

I apologize, because…

… I try and I think I succeed to reply to every single one of the 20+ emails and personal messages I get every single day.

However, not always I am able to give you the comprehensive reply you’d deserve, for a simple reason: time!

In fact, I have day job as a teacher and I run FujiRumors totally alone. Hence, in order to be able to reply to everyone with the limited time I have left, sometimes I just must give a shorter reply, even if often your emails would deserve a comprehensive answer.

Now, some of the most interesting emails I get, are those, with input, ideas and wishes for future Fujifilm products.

And since also to those emails, often I can’t reply as comprehensively as I’d love to, I had the idea to share them with the entire FujiRumors community, and extend the discussion to all of you.

Last time we discussed:

  • read here – FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-TSony, Firmware Upgrade Suggestions, Lens Wishes and Much More

Today I’d have selected a few more of those wishes.

So, if anyone reading this is interested, feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments.

You have wishes about the Fujifilm future, too? Well, then write me at

Have a wonderful weekend,

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Wishlist Roundup

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Mid-2020 Rumor Check: What We Got Right, What Wrong and What’s Still to Come… and About the Fujifilm X-T3 Firwmare Update

Rumors 2020

Half a year of rumors is over, and it was probably the most successful we ever had on FujiRumors.

With a total amount of 44 rumors shared, we are currently sharing more rumors than ever in the years before.

The Fujifilm X-T4 was without a doubt the big one in 2020, and I frankly can’t remember if FR ever leaked so much about one single camera, as we did with the Fujifilm X-T4.

At this point BIG thanks to all our sources, for helping me to keep the Fuji X community on fire. Being a Fuji X/GFX shooter is just more fun, if every now and then we get something hot to talk about… ;).


Sharing rumors is one thing, sharing accurate rumors is another. And since we don’t want you to believe in fake rumors like the death of Fujifilm X-H2 or fake X-T3 firmware leak 4.00, we try to honor the time you decide to spend reading FujiRumors by delivering dry and verified rumors.

Did it work out well so far in 2020?

Let’s check it:

  • 497 blog post published so far in 181 days (about 3 blog posts a day)
  • 44 rumors shared in 181 days (2020)
  • 9 rumors still to be verified and 2 rumors not in ranking (details below)
  • 32 correct rumors out of 33 verifiable rumors
  • 1 wrong rumor out of 33 verifiable rumors
  • 97% correct rumors

Where is the Fujifilm X-T3 Firmware Update?

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Save up to $1,000 on Fujifilm X and GFX Gear and 5 Day Video Bundle Deal

As you know Fujifilm has big spring savings on Fujifilm X/GFX gear running. You can see the full list of deals here.

What you might not know, is that if you purchase any APS-C X mount lens, MKX Cine lens or the X-T200, you also get a free copy of Luminar 4 on top of it. Included in the deal also X100V, X-Pro3 and X-T4, but none of the other cameras.

And in case you missed it, Fujifilm also offers 70% discount on check and cleans. We reported here.

GFX Gear

X Lenses

X Cameras


Save 96% on that video software collection sold by!

New DJI Ronin SC/S Firmware adds Fujifilm X-T4 Support

DJI has released firmware updates for their Ronin SC and Ronin S gimbals, which, among the others, add support for Fujifilm X-T4 cameras.

You can find all the details below.

Firmware Update Details

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“I Feel like Fujifilm Understands Photographers”: Interview with 2020 World Press Photo Award Winner Romain Laurendeau

Fujifilm & World Press Photo

Fujifilm continues to interview those photographers, who snapped all those wonderful images with Fujifilm X and GFX cameras.

  • first interview – Alain Shroeder, winner of the World Press Photo overall stories category
  • second interview – Luca Locatelli, 1st Prize for environment story in 2020 Word Press Photo Contest
  • third interview – 2020 World Press Photo Winner Ricardo García Vilanova: “For my War Photography I use X-T3 and Only One Lens, the…”

In this episode, Fujifilm interviews Romain Laurendeau, winner of the overall World Press Photo Story of the Year award with his series of images taken in Algeria.

He took his images with X100 series cameras, and here is what he says:

The Interview + Video

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Fujifilm Manager: Fujifilm X-H2, The Problem With Telephoto Primes, GFX MK II and IBIS, Fujifilm X80 vs Compact MILC, Fast Primes & More

Fujifilm UK manger Andreas Georghiades returns to the Fujicast postcast.

It’s an almost 1 hour podcast, and if you are in a hurry and can’t listen it all, I provide a summary of everything the manager says, so you can get it all in under 5 minutes.

The Interview Summed Up

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Camera GP Japan 2020 Awards: Sony Wins Big and Fujifilm GFX100 Grabs the Editors Award

The Fujifilm GFX100 won the Camera GP Japan 2020 Editors Award, said to be the most prestigious camera award in Japan.

Now, I don’t know much about this specific award, but overall I wrote an article in the past about the dubious meaningfulness of such awards. But hey, better to win something than not to win.

It is totally subjective, but personally I rejoice much more when other awards are won, for example when photographers using Fujifilm cameras win hands down at the 2020 Word Press Photo awards.

Think at this:

None of the Fujifilm X shooters creaming off all the top awards at the World Press Photo 2020 used the most powerful camera on the market: an X-Pro2, an X100F, an X-H1 and others. But each of these cameras has its character, its peculiar look and feel, build ergonomically around the different needs of different photographers, and hence the tool many chose, to go out and grab award winning images.

Personally I also prefer to use a camera that fits my shooting style, rather than one with the power of a playstation, as I know I will get better results out of the first one.

This is also the reason, why the Fujifilm GFX100 made me salivate on specs level, but personally (as a guy, who does not make a penny out of his photography) I would not buy one, at least not until it looks like this Fujifilm GFX concept.

When I picked up the Fujifilm GFX100 and tested it, it was the first Fujifilm camera I ever hold in my hands, that I had to spend time just to figure out how to operate it.

You know what I mean?

I mean, give me an X-Pro2, X100V or X-T4, and thanks to their intuitive layout and manual controls, I can shoot right away, without any need of a manual or even setting up anything at the menu.

Specs are nice and good. But esthetics, ergonomics, feel and usability are more inspiring for me than mere specs, and therefore help me to keep my passion, fun and inspiration for photography high and fresh.

With that said, here you get it: the list of Camera JP Japan 2020 winners.

The big winner is Sony.

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Fujifilm Press Release

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