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Fujifilm X-Pro1 Retrospective – 10 years of Fujifilm X-mount: The Start of X-Trans, Vintage Fun, Film Simulations and More


This month marks the 10th anniversary of the X mount system, so DPRTV takes a fresh look at the Fujifilm X-Pro1, the system’s first camera, to see how it holds up a decade late.

NOTE: we are talking X Mount MILC cameras, not X series cameras in general. The X line started of course with the original Fujifilm X100.

Gosh, what memories came up to me, after all this time.

For example when Jordan highlights how bad the video quality of the X-Pro1 is. True, but when Fujifilm removed an X-Pro1 firmware because of a bug on the video side of things, 99,9999% of X shooters owning an X-Pro1 were like “what, this thing can shoot also video?”

Or all the the glory and struggles related to Fujifilm’s new X-Trans design. Lots of myths and fakes had to be debunked in this regard.

Look, I was always honest to look at the advantages of Bayer vs X-Trans and vice versa, but at the end I am very happy that the Fujifilm X-H2 will have an X-Trans sensor (at least one of the two). And I am not alone, as the vast majority of you guys is happy about this too.

And yes, Kaizen, that’s something the X-Pro1 got lots of. But on the contrary of what many think, still today Fujifilm leads the pack when it comes to updating their cameras. I elaborated it more in depth here.

But most importantly, the joy to use a Fujifilm camera is still the same, also after 10 years. In fact, Chris seems to have loved to shoot the X-Pro1 even more now as opposed to when it came out 10 years ago.

So, with all that said, here is are DPRTV’s impressions after shooting the X-Pro1 again 10 years later.

Little curiosity: I find it cool that Chris took all the pictures using the original XF lens trinity launched along with the X-Pro1.

  • he enjoys using the optical viewfinder (the X-Pro1 has a hybrid viewfinder
  • great vintage look
  • aimed to work best with smaller primes
  • great for street shooters
  • compact camera with compact primes
  • the X-T1 opened the system to lots more people. The whole Fujifilm system grew from there
  • X-Pro1 was the first camera using an X-Trans sensor
  • thanks to X-Trans Fujifilm could get rid of the aliasing filter, which would have removed some sharpness to the images
  • now it is much easier to edit X-Trans files
  • X-Trans avoided a lot of the problems with moire for photos
  • but at that time, it was hard to work with X-Trans files. Adobe struggled with X-Trans files and 10 years later people still complain about this
  • Fujifilm started its reputation for great colors in JPEGs and great details
  • the X-Pro1 did not have many film simulations
  • in 10 years we have gained so many more film simulations. The latest Fujifilm cameras have even more vintage film simulations like Nostalgic Negative and Classic Chrome, etc
  • Chris is impressed but how accurate the optical overlay still is with its frame lines (compensating for parallax)
  • not great AF controls. Best solution: single AF with focus and recompose. It’s pretty snappy used this way
  • terrible camera for video
  • it’s incredible that just 10 years ago Fuji was so bad in video, but now for Jordan Fujifilm cameras are among his favorite cameras to shoot video
  • Chris had a lot of fun shooting the X-Pro1 again
  • even if it is 10 years old, it still felt quite current in a lot of ways
  • X-Pro1 got tons of Kaizen firmware updates
  • maybe Fujifilm does not do Kaizen so much anymore [admin note: I disagree, and I elaborated why here]
  • Fujifilm has come a long way and now dominates APS-C and MF market
  • Fujifilm still holds on on that vintage feel and heritage build up 10 years ago
  • Chris didn’t appreciate the X-Pro1 when it came out, but for some reason he now enjoyed it shooting again
  • X-Trans files of X-Pro1 still have very interesting character

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Celebrating Fujifilm…

Long live the glorious Fujifilm X-Pro line.
