DPRTV 2020 Camera Companies Resolutions: Fujifilm Should Merge X-T and X-H Line and Sony Steal Fujifilm Colors


2020 Camera Resolutions

DPReviewTV has published their 2020 resolutions for every camera company, of course including Fujifilm.

Regarding Fujifilm, they say:

When asked if Fujifilm should merge X-T and X-H line, most of you guys voted you prefer to keep both lines well separated, and I believe that would make sense, for the reasons I explained in this article.

What I believe would make sense, though, is to give us a Fujifilm X-T4 with IBIS and maybe a bigger battery. Do that, and you’ll make tons of Fujifilm shooters happy.

I am not sure about the Fujifilm X-A7 flippy screen, though, as this would make it tilt in the wrong direction, when shooting portraits. Maybe that’s more something for the Fujifilm X-H2.

Neopan 400 is a much loved film, as you can see from these customer reviews. So make it happen, Fuji!

As recently measured, Fujifilm has currenty the worse face/eye AF. But I would not worry about that too much. A major improvement is coming via firmware, soon.

You can see the full video above, where, among the others, the recommend Sony to steal Fujifilm colors ;).

Don’t forget also…


Unpacking Rumor Presents and Merry Christmas to the Fuji Fellowship!


Merry X mas

Hey there,

I hope Santa Claus was good to you, and put some nice presents under your Christmas tree.

What did I find under my Christmas tree?

Well, our Japanese source put a sweet rumor under my tree, and I am confident that soon enough I will be allowed to unpack it here in front of all FujiRumors readers, hoping you like it.

But today it’s not the time of rumors, but to say something that is surely much more important.

In fact, I would like to sincerely and deeply say merry Christmas to…

  • to our amazing sources, who are always helping me to find the right track in the thick rumor jungle, making sure we get an exciting rumor start also in 2020
  • to all those, who supported me by using affiliate links or clicking on google banners. It’s really as simple as that: without your help, this blog would have to close tomorrow morning
  • to all those FR-readers, who shared Fujifilm news with me, commented kindly, criticized my work constructively, corrected my English ;), voted a survey, shared an article on social media or simply stopped by to read this blog
  • to those, who donated a few bucks for free education in Cambodia, by using the paypal donate button on FujiRumors

I am grateful for you, for this community, for this little space on the web and in my life. And today I raise a glass of good red wine for a virtual toast with all of you!

have great holidays… all of you,

You can NO LONGER make donation to FR via Paypal. The paypal link on FujiRumors will redirect you to KNGO, an NGO who gives access to free education to poor kids in Cambodia, and which we raised $5,000 for in the past.

You find the paypal link in the FR sidebar. Donate even just a few bucks helps a lot.

It’s the helpers, who make this world a better place.

Cosyspeed just launched a nice campaign to support fair trade work in Africa. Check it out at Indiegogo.


New Viltrox 33mm f/1.4 and 56mm f/1.4 Images



Recently Viltrox disclosed the official price in Chinese Yuan of the Viltrox 33mm f/1.4… and it’s a very aggressive one!

Now we have new images of the Viltrox 33mmm f/1.4 and Viltrox 56mm f/1.4 mounted on the Fujifilm X-T3. You can see them below.

The lenses were originally scheduled for release in 2019, but as we reported here, there will be a delay surely for the 33 and 56. The only lens that could still make it for 2019, is the Viltrox 23mm f/1.4, but there is a big “maybe” here.

The latest specs and images about all three upcoming Viltrox lenses can be found in this article.

And don’t forget to:


Unbeatable: Fujifilm X-T3 remains Best Camera You can Buy for under $1,500 also in 2019


2019 was another exciting year for the camera industry, with lots of different cameras in all price ranges hitting the market.

So DPReview had to update its buying guide for cameras under $1,500, and guess what, not a single camera could dethrone the 2018 Fujifilm X-T3 from the top spot.

DPR writes it’s still the best camera you can buy for under $1,500:

the Fujifilm X-T3 is one of the best APS-C cameras ever made and one of the most adept cameras full-stop, if you want to shoot both stills and video.

Its image quality is excellent, with a choice of attractive ‘Film Simulation’ color modes and detailed, flexible Raw files. Autofocus with most X-series lenses is snappy with effective focus tracking, eye-detection AF for portraits and zone focus modes that will adapt to a range of sports. This is on top of a well-respected interface which blends traditional dials with a good degree of customization.

We’re particularly impressed that the X-T3 does all this while also offering some of the best video we’ve encountered. It can shoot highly detailed 4K footage (UHD or DCI) at up to 60p with the option for 10-bit capture for maximum grading leeway. Useable (though not flawless) video AF makes it comparatively easy to get good results, too. Only the lack of in-body stabilization counts against its go-everywhere, capture everything credentials.

The Fujifilm lens range isn’t as extensive as some systems, but there’s a good choice of sensibly priced lenses that go well with the X-T3.

And it’s not over yet, as the Fujifilm X-T3 will get surely one significant firmware upgrade, and maybe even another big one in future.

You can see the entire buying guide at DPR here.

