Fujifilm X-E3 In Stock in USA, XF80mm Shipping November 30, GF 45mm Shipping November 16

The Fujifilm X-E3 (all combos) is now in stock at BHphoto, AmazonUS (limited number) and FocusCamera. It’s still out of stock at Adorama.

AmazonUS says the GF45mm will ship November 16 and the XF80mm on November 30. The Dutch store calumetphoto expects to ship the 80mm on November 9. But I hear November 30 should be correct.

Fujifilm X-E3: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera
Fujinon XF 80mmF2.8 Macro: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera
Fujinon GF 45mmF2.8: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm GFX Vs. Sony A7RIII Dyanmic Range (Preliminary Comparison) + Sony A7rIII Really Sharper Than Fujifilm GFX 50S?

Dynamic Range

Photons to Photos has just shared their “preliminary” Sony A7RIII chart. “Preliminary” means that these are actual measurements from RAW files but not those taken under the usual controlled conditions. Historically preliminary data has been quite accurate at Photons to Photos.

So what does the chart tell us? It shows that the Fujifilm GFX 50S has a better dyamanic range.

More surprisingly, though, it seems that the brand new Sony A7rIII does not perform better than the Sony A7rII… and maybe even a little bit worst.

Preliminary tests might be relatively accurate, but before making any conclusions, we have to wait the final results.


Here on FujiRumors we were the first to report about the imaging-resource comparison between the Sony A7RIII and the Fujifilm GFX 50S.

We gave it a detailed look, digged deep into the camera settings, and reported comprehensively about it. Seems like I did an accurate job, since the entire article then was copied & pasted elsewhere, just as every article I write actually… which I take as the highest form of flattery ;)

But as much as I digged into the settings, thanks to our huge community and the lively comments, there is always something new to discover. And by analizing the images with the FujiRumors community, some highlighted that the Fujifilm GFX might be misfocused (as I already guessed in the original article).

Hera are again the original images and settings

  • Fujifilm GFX 50S: 1/20th, F5, ISO250, SOOC Jpeg – see here
  • Sony A7RIII: 1/40th, F5, ISO250, SOOC Jpeg – see here

Now, it’s your turn to pixel peep, and you are free to judge if the Fujifilm GFX has the focus really on the eye or on the temple. And keep in mind that, at f/5, the Fujifilm GFX will give you shallower DOF than the Sony A7rIII.

Also, the GFX was shot at 1/20, and the Sony at 1/40. And looking at the earrings it’s clear to see how the Fujifilm GFX captures more motion due to the slower shutter speed.

Any yet, it’s worth to highlight that the eye AF on the Sony seems to work really great :)

Sony A7rIII: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera
Fujifilm GFX 50S: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

UPDATE – Technical Note: Source of Occasional Pop-Up Ads on Mobile Devices surfing FujiRumors Found… Fix on the Way

Update: I have been contacted by Disqus. They informed me they fixed the issue :)

Hey guys,

Just a quick technical note.

In the last few days I have received some complaints about occasional pop-up ads on FujiRumors when surfing from mobile device.

I haven’t had the issue on my devices, but thanks to your help I could investigate the issue anyway and found it. The problem is related to the comment system we use, Disqus. And in fact, not only FujiRumors, but also other sites like PetaPixel (who uses Disqus) are affected.

I have contacted Disqus and pretended a quick fix, and they are working on it.

Don’t worry, it’s no virus or anything like this. I guess Disqus has to make some changes in the settings, which should happen soon.

In the meantime, sorry for further issues you will experience while Disqus is working on this.


Pop-up ads are something I do NOT want on FR. If in future you should notice them, let me know quickly, and I will investigate the issue and take all necessary measurements to fix it (including banning the ad provider).

I apologize for the inconvenience and I’d like to say thanks to those of you, who, behind the scenes, helped me to find the issue of the pop-ups by cooperating with me.

You are awesome :)

Lightroom 6.13 and Classic CC 7.0.1 add Fujifilm X-E3 Support

Adobe just update Lightroom Standalone to version 6.13 and Lightroom Classic CC 7.0.1

We get Fujifilm X-E3 support.

Will this be the last upgrade of Lightroom Standalone? Adobe says:

As we align our investments in the direction of supporting our subscription-based products, the last version of Lightroom 6 will be coming out towards the end of the year.   If there is a camera not supported in Lightroom 6, you can use the DNG converter before importing your images into Lightroom 6.

Fujifilm X-E3: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore