NEW SOURCE: Fujifilm X-T4 with Improved Battery Life and EVF (Unconfirmed)

Fujifilm X-T4
Ok guys,
First off I want you take this information with a grain of salt, as it comes from an anonymous source with nickname (thanks for sharing).
If I will be able to confirm any of the information, I will let you know.
Here is what the new source told us:
- Name: Fujifilm X-T4
- Improved battery life
- best in class EVF
Except for IBIS, I can’t confirm anything for now.
Now, on FR we are proud to share about 60 rumors a year with a 90+% accuracy.
But a significant part of this community also asked me to be less conservative, take more risks, and share more anonymous/new source rumors I get, even if that would mean maybe falling back to a 70% accuracy.
I am still rather reluctant to do so, but today I try to follow your advice, and share this rumor, even if it’s unconfirmed until now. But this will be more of an exception, as I want to keep my hit rate very high.
And who knows, even our long time trusted sources started as new sources. So let’s hope that todays’ source will be generous with the FR community, and share further details in future.
To the source: thanks a TON for the nickname! Makes things easier. Regarding X100V, I am working on that rumor, and will post an update soon.
And just out of curiosity, I thought I let you vote on what you believe will be the name of the Fujifilm X-T3 successor.
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