BREAKING: Fujifilm GFX100S will be a Bit Smaller than Fujifilm GFX50S

We told you back in early December, that the upcoming Fujifilm GFX100S will be “about as big” as the Fujifilm GFX50S.

Well, according to information I have received from trusted sources, the Fujifilm GFX100S will be actually “a bit smaller” than the Fujifilm GFX50S!

So let’s sum it up:

Just back in 2019, IBIS was the single most important reason why Fujifilm had to make the Fujifilm GFX100 so big. Now Fujifilm was able to minaturzie the mechanism to a point, that they can fit it into a much smaller body.

That thing looks better and better, the more we find out about it!

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Fujifilm GFX100S to Cost $5,999: The Ultimate Fujifilm Attack on High Resolution Full Frame Cameras!

We already leaked the price of the Fujifilm GFX100S, which will be of $5,999.

That’s cheaper than the Fujifilm GFX50S at launch, which was sold for $6,500 (now the new list price is of $5,499, so just $500 cheaper than what the Fujifilm GFX100S will be).

And keep it mind: the Fujifilm GFX100S has not only IBIS, but also a highly modern state of the art BSI 100 megapixel sensor with phase detection pixels all over the sensor, whereas the Fujifilm GFX50S uses an older contrast detect AF only and non BSI sensor.

It’s a crazy good price if you ask me. And the goal seems to be pretty clear to me: threaten all those high resolution full frame cameras.

Let’s take a look:

  • Fujifilm GFX100S: 102MP – $5999 – 70% “fuller” sensor than full frame
  • Canon EOS R5:      45 MP  – $3899 – Full Frame
  • Panasonic S1R:     47 MP   – $3697 – Full Frame
  • Sony A7RIV:           61 MP  – $3498 – Full Frame
  • Nikon Z7 II:            45 MP  – $2996 – Full Frame

Sure, the high resolution full frame cameras will still be between 35% and 50% cheaper than the Fujifilm GFX100S.

But consider that the Fujifilm GFX100S has also about twice the megapixel of those full frame cameras as well as a 70% larger sensor.

Considering the whole package, I think that it’s a terrific price.

While the 10K price tag as well as the size of the very popular Fujifilm GFX100 were still a deterrent for many to buy into the GFX system, I think that Fujifilm now nailed it by making a smaller Fujifilm GFX100 and also make it 40% cheaper!

Now we are at a point, where those looking for high resolution cameras and until now were considering the various full frame offerings might as well consider to get the Fujifilm GFX100S, which will offer twice the megapixel and a 70% larger sensor.

I don’t know you, but my impression is that Fujifilm is about to drop a potential best seller here.

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LEAKED: This is the Price of the Fujifilm GFX100S… and You’ll LOVE it!

Are you ready to hear the price of the new Fujifilm GFX100S?

Well, the hold on tight, because I think you’ll might be surprised!

According to information we have received from trusted sources, the upcoming Fujifilm GFX100S will cost $5,999!

Yep, you heard it right, $5,999!

That’s cheaper than the Fujifilm GFX50S when it was launched (which at the time cost $6,500).

To sum it up for you: 102 Megapixel, a modern BSI sensor 70% “fuller” than full frame, phase detection, IBIS. All this in a package that costs $5,999. That’s just very aggressive pricing! Well done, Fujifilm.

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RUMOR: Smaller Fujifilm GFX100 will Have IBIS and Coming Early 2021

the current GFX100 IBIS unit mounted on the Fujifilm GFX50S - made by
the current GFX100 IBIS unit mounted on the Fujifilm GFX50S – made by

The New Fujifilm GFX100

There is a bit of confusion, so let me clear things up, as well as add something new to it.

Yes, Fujifilm did announce a new Fujifilm GFX100, but that one is an infrared version for forensic use, pretty much as the special Fujifilm X-T1 infrared version.

The Fujifilm GFX camera we rumor here on FujiRumors since a while now, is not an IR Fujifilm GFX100 camera and also not a monochrome camera.

As we told you here, it’s a 102 megapixel Bayer sensor camera that is smaller than the current Fujifilm GFX100. Also, as we told you in October, it will come in early 2021.

IBIS or Not?

Now, some wrote me, speculating that the new smaller GFX100 won’t have IBIS. And in fact, the IBIS unit on the current GFX100 ain’t small at all.

We already made a rendering of the Fujifilm GFX100 IBIS unit mounted on the Fujifilm GFX50S and Fujifilm GFX50R. As you can see, it is definitely too big for any other GFX camera. But since then, Fujifilm has made serious progress when it comes to making the IBIS unit smaller.

And here is what I can tell you today: the new smaller Fujifilm GFX100 coming in early 2021 will have IBIS.

This comes from trusted sources.

New GFX100 Rumor Recap

Ok, so here is the recap it:

Are you curious about more details on the upcoming new Fujifilm GFX100?

Well, then something tells me that you should not miss to read FujiRumors next ;).

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Fujifilm Digital Camera Range: Making Sense of the Line-Up, What Should be Dropped, What Should Stay… and Where is the X-H Line?

Fujifilm shared this Pyramid explaining their Current Camera Line-up
Fujifilm shared this Pyramid explaining their Current Camera Line-up

I already said it in my X-S10, Attack on Sony article: the Fujifilm X-S10 makes a whole lot of sense.

And yet, I do understand one of the critiques made to Fujifilm: their line-up is huge and potentially confusing.

There are indeed some lines, that in some occasions do not not differentiated themselves enough from each other.

But this is an issue Fujifilm realized and I feel that they are taking care of it, for example:

  • the Fujifilm X-Pro3 is a unique machine, with a concept, so far nowhere to find
  • Fujifilm is aware that the the Fujifilm X-H2 must differentiate stronger from the X-T* line in order to continue to evolve separately

Fujifilm understands the problem and is finding ways to separate the lines better.

And yet… there are some lines that should be dropped, in my opinion.

Let’s take a look it at, by using an official Fujifilm media sheet that has been sent to me, which shows a pyramid with all Fujifilm X series cameras listed and ordered by Fujifilm itself.

The Red Zone

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