Fujifilm GFX100 Pixel Shift Multishot not Available at Launch, but Coming Later via Firmware Update

Fujifilm GFX 100

The deadline is June. Since then, the Fujifilm GFX100 must hit the stores.

Currently Fujifilm is working hard on the firmware and I asked the source, who told us in October 2018, that Fujifilm wants to implement pixel shift multishot in the Fujifilm GFX100, at which stage the development of the pixel shift mutlishot is.

Here is what it told me:

  • sensor/pixel shift multishot is easier to achieve with Bayer sensors than with X-Trans
  • the Fujifilm GFX100 will probably not have pixel shift multishot at launch
  • pixel shift multishot should come later on via firmware update

With pixel shift multishot the camera shoots several images while shifting the image sensor and combines them to generate images with a higher resolution than is possible with regular shooting.

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Fujifilm XF 16-80mmF4 and Fujinon GF 50mmF3.5 to be Released This Fall – First Specs Online and Additional Fuji GFX100 Images

Fujinon Lenses

The FujiRumors CP+ 2019 live coverage continues, and this time I have found the answer to the question, when the Fujinon XF16-80mm f/4 and GF 50mm f/3.5 will be released at the Japanese site capa.getnavi here:

  • XF 16-80mmF4 – to be released in fall 2019
  • GF 50mmF3.5 – to be released in fall 2019

Those perfect travel lenses come to late for our summer trips. Digested this bad news? Then let’s move on!

The Japanese site also shared Fujifilm GFX100 images and media slides (in Japanese), but don’t worry, FujiRumors has already leaked them all (and even more in detail) a few weeks ago in this article.

I did translate all the Japanese slides, and there is nothing that we do not know already about the Fujifilm GFX100.. For additional GFX 100 images you can also check out the Polish site optyczne.

What I will translate for you, though, are the media slides of the lenses.

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Fujifilm GFX XG Concept vs Panasonic S1R, Sony a7iii, Nikon Z7, Canon EOS R Size Comparisons

Fujifilm GFX XG vs Panasonic S1R
Fujifilm GFX XG vs Panasonic S1R

Fujifilm GFX XG

Fujifilm has recently shown a couple of early Fujifilm GFX concepts. You can see them all here.

Amongst the others, there was the Fujifilm XG, an X-T styled Fujifilm GFX.

I was curious to compare its size to the one of current mirrorless full frame cameras, so I took the image shared by dpreivew, threw it into camerasize, and manually made accurate size comparison with the Panasonic S1R, Sony a7iii, Nikon Z7, Canon EOS R as well as the Fujifilm GFX 50R.

Fujifilm obviously designed all the early concepts keeping in mind that they have to accomodate a rather big shutter mechanism. The arrival of the global shutter should allow Fujifilm to make the camera sensibly smaller.

  • Size Comparison – Fujifilm GFX100 vs Sony A7III, Nikon D5, Canon 1DX, Canon EOS R, Nikon Z7, Nikon D850, Fuji GFX 50R

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Fujifilm GFX Early Concept Mockups Image Gallery – Current Concepts, Future Reality?

Fujifilm SP-X Tilt Screen

Fujifilm GFX Concepts

At the recent Fujifilm X summit, Fujifilm displayed a modular Fujifilm GFX “Omega” concept, inspired by Hasselblad’s 500-series square format film cameras.

The Omega concept had “direct control for aspect ratio and unusual ‘roller’ style controls“.

It never became reality because of the big shutter mechanism required for the medium format sensor, a problem that could be solved with the global shutter.

Fujifilm displayed even more early Fujifilm GFX concepts at the X summit, such as two X-T camera alike concept and also the progenitor of the current Fujifilm GFX 50R, called Fujifilm SP-X, with sub-ISO dial, a weird tilt LCD screen and no EVF.

Fujifilm’s goal is to create a medium format camera close in size to current mirrorless full frame cameras. Future technology like the global shutter will help to achieve this goal. So the mockups we see today, are Fujifilm’s goal for tomorrow.

You can find the full GFX concept gallery at dpreview.

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Fujifilm FF180005 Registered: Fujifilm GFX100 or Surprise Camera?

Fujifilm FF180005

Fujifilm just registered a camera with the code name “FF180005” here, as spotted by nokishita.

Fujifilm has already announced they will release the Fujifilm GFX100 in the first half of 2019, so we can assume that’s the camera that hides behind the mysterious code name.

FujiRumors has exclusively leaked the entire Fujifilm GFX100 media slides, with lot of details in it. This can’t be found anywhere on the web, since it is confidential Fujifilm material.

However, the “FF180005” could be also another not yet rumored Fujifilm camera.

Want to find it out? Well, then just follow FujiRumors on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter.

GFX Zones