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Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 R WR with Same Optics of Original XF27mmF2.8

On January 27 at the Fujifilm X Summit at 8AM New York time, Fujifilm will announce lots of stuff:

Today we have an update regarding the XF27mmF2.8 MK II.

We already told you that it will be weather sealed and have an aperture ring. Now we can add that it will share the same optics of the original XF27mmF2.8. And that’s perfectly fine. I own it, and I can tell you the image quality in terms of sharpness, fringing and chromatic aberration is really good. I frankly do not see any need to change the optics.

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Meet my New Fujinon XF Lens… and What You can Do to Convince my Wife it Was a Good Investment ;)

It was in my cart for a long time. And this time, I could not resist anymore.

I took advantage of the cashback deals expiring on January 17, and just grabbed it.

Which lens is it?

When I asked to drop the guess on Instagram here, many thought I already own the Fujinon XF27mmF2.8MKII or the Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6.

But guys, that gear will be announcement on January 27. And I never get anything ahead from Fujifilm, nor any discount on gear. I pay my stuff full price just like any of you.

So, it has to be an “older” lens, and more precisely, the arguably sharpest Fujinon XF lens out there.

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Nope, there is No Fujinon XF300mmF4 and XF500mmF5.6 Coming in 2021

Do you know those automatic tennis ball machine launchers that constantly fire off balls at you, so fast that at some point you just can’t catch them all anymore?

Well, it’s not much different with fake rumors ;).

Sometimes the fake rumors are thrown out in the world with a pace, that here on FujiRumors we just can’t debunk them all fast enough.

But I try to catch up, and here is one that passed the FujiRumors firewall so far but will now be set right.

Back in March 2020 we reported about two Fujifilm patents showing a Fujinon XF300mmF4 and Fujinon XF500mmF5.6.

Now, I keep getting emails of people firmly believing that the Fujinon XF300mmF4 and Fujinon XF500mmF5.6 will come out for the summer Olympics 2021 in Tokyo.

And guys, I hate to be the one that brings the bad news, but whoever told you that, it is not going to happen.

As a matter of fact, those lenses won’t even come in 2021.

Will they come in 2022? Or in 2023? Or maybe never? I have no idea at this point.

But I tell you this: I blog on FR since 9 years now, and I have reported about countless of patents. And if I have understood something about patents in all these years, then it’s that there is a long way between a patent and a final product. And often patents never even materialize into a final product.

So, take patents with a grain of salt, always.

With that said, I do hope those lenses will come. Maybe Sigma will do them?

Stay tuned on FujiRumors, and I will give you updates as soon as I have them.

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Fujinon Wildlife Photography Lenses – POLL

Fujifilm Lenses for Wildlife Photography: Fujinon XF 400mmF4 and What Else?

BREAKING: Fujinon XF27mm f/2.8 MKII will be Weather Sealed and Have Aperture Ring

We already told you back in July 2020, that Fujifilm would launch the Fujinon XF27mm f/2.8 MKII.

Recently we also told you that this lens (among lots of other stuff) will be announced on January 27.

And today we have more :).

The Fujinon XF27mm f/2.8 MK II will have:

  • weather sealing
  • aperture ring

I’ll buy it… and I won’t tell my wife about it ;).

I’ll just sell my old 27mm first and she hopefully won’t notice that the new one has an aperture ring. Smart, huh? And if she ever asks, you guys nicely back me up and say in the comments the XF27mm always had an aperture ring ;).

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There is a Sensor, 70% FULLER than FULL FRAME and Here is Where it SHINES!


There will be rumors, I tell you that!

We’ll talk about gear & specs. We will get mad at some, we will love others. But in any case, we are going to have fun.

And yet, that’s not how I’d like to start 2021 here on FujiRumors.

Nope, I’d like to start with an image roundup, because what I love most on my Fujifilm system, is not all the cameras and lenses that I have in my bag, but the images I was able to print big and put on my wall thanks to it.

And little it matters which gear you use, as long as it is fun to you.

May it be APS-C, full frame, or that sensor, that is actually 70% “fuller” or “bigger” than full frame and you find inside Fujifilm GFX cameras.

Every system has its strenghts, and the one of the Fujifilm GFX system is definitely portraits and landscape.

And that’s what we want to focus on today: the Fujifilm GFX.

You know, a new and amazing Fujifilm GFX100S is coming soon, so I thought we can give you guys a taste of its power, by sharing images fellow Fujifilm GFX shooters shared at our fantastic Fujifilm GFX group.

I hope you’ll enjoy the images as much as I did, and I wish you a fantastic weekend.

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Fujifilm GFX Image Rounudp

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Focus On Glass: “Higher Megapixel Cameras May Come in Near Future and XF200mmF2 Will Satisfy Increased Resolution Requirement”

Focus on Glass

Fujifilm continues to launch dedicated “Focus On Glass” promo videos to their lenses, new and old ones.

Today I’d like to highlight the one they released about the Fujinon XF200mm f/2 R LM OIS WR, a lens that belongs to the very best ones Fujifilm ever made, and is hard to beat in terms of IQ also by similar lenses of other brands. You do get what you pay for!

So how did Fujifilm achieve this tremendous image quality? In the Promo video, managers and engineers explain:

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2020 Rumor Check: What’s Right, What’s Wrong and What’s Still to Come (with Reliability Ranking)

One or two times a year, I like to look back on the rumors we shared here on FujiRumors, and see if I delivered accurate content or not.

Plus, I will share the remaining rumors that should materialize in 2021 with reliability ranking.

Let’s check it out:

  • 90 rumors shared in 2020 so far
  • 1 rumor still to be verified and 2 rumors not in ranking (details below)
  • 82 correct rumors out of 90 verifiable rumors
  • 5 wrong rumor out of 90 verifiable rumors (most of the the wrong rumors were acutally right at the time of sharing. You’ll understand if you check out the details below.)
  • 91% correct rumors

Rumor Overview with Rating

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Meet the Dolomites, Home of FujiRumors

If you you think at Italy, my home, you probably think at Rome, Florence and Venice.

And in fact, probably 70% of the tourists coming to Italy, visit those three cities and leave.

But there are many more beautiful spots to visit here in Italy, and one of them is definitely my hometown, the Dolomites.

After I unveiled my location a couple of days ago here, I got a significant numbers of emails from readers, asking me information about the Dolomites. I tried to reply to everybody as good as I can.

One recurring question was: do I recommend visiting the Dolomites also to people, who are not so fit and used to mountains.

My answer is a very clear “absolutely yes!“.

There are tons of cable ways, that bring you everywhere. For example, you can reach the highest peak of the Dolomites, the Marmolada, at 3,300m (10,800 feet) without walking a single step and enjoy views like this.

And if you are more on the adventurous side, of course there are tons of tracks and hikes of all kind of difficulties.

Old or young, single of family, fit or lazy, there is a lot ot enjoy for everyone.

Needless to say, also photographically speaking you are in paradise here, as the images below show.

So, if you ever plan a trip to Italy, try to put the Dolomites on your “to do” list.

I can’t wait these days of lockdown and isolation to be over and get a beer on the Dolomites again.

Today I decided to go through our Fujifilm X-T and GFX group and pick a couple of images that members shared of the Dolomites, in the hope this article inspires you for you next photographic journey.

Stay safe, let’s go through these challenging times together, and done that, enjoy life again as never before!

stay strong, healthy and happy

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Fujinon GF 80mmF1.7 and Fujinon GF 30mmF3.5 Size Comparisons

Fujinon G Mount Lenses – Size Comparison

The Fujifilm GFX community is salivating, looking at the latest G mount roadmap.

In fact, the new roadmap lists a stunning Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7 lens, which in other sensor sizes is:

  • 63mm f/1.3 in full frame
  • 42mm f/0.9 in ASP-C, hence very close to Fuji’s new Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0

And to be clear: we apply the conversion to the f-stop, only to indicate the equivalent shallow depth of field, and not the light gathering capabilities of the lens itself, which remains the one mentioned on the lens (with the consequences we told you here).

We also find a lovely Fujinon GF 30mm f/3.5 lens, which Fujifilm says is meant for street and landscape photography, be very sharp and also focus fast.

At the recent Fujifilm X Summit, Fujifilm showed some mockups and also disclosed more details.

I thought we catch up on that, sum up all we know, and add a few size comparisons based on the technical sketches Fujfiilm delivered during the event.

Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7

LEFT: GF110mm f/2 vs GF 80mm f/1.7 Size Comparison // RIGHT: GF 80mm f/1.7 mockup
LEFT: GF110mm f/2 vs GF 80mm f/1.7 Size Comparison // RIGHT: GF 80mm f/1.7 mockup

Let’s start with the Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7.

Above you can see a size comparison provided by Fujifilm. The Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7 is 20% smaller and will weight under 800g, as opposed to the GF110mm f/2, which weights 1010g.

The picture above also shows the GF80mm f/1.7 mounted on the Fujifilm GFX100.

Fujifilm gave us some indications on what the differences between both lenses are.

The Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7 will have a very creamy and softer bokeh compared to the one on the Fujinon GF 110mm f/2. Different bokeh quality for different tastes.

Also, due to its more compact nature, the Fujinon GF80mm f/1.7 is good for outside and active shooting, whereas the GF110mm f/2 instead is better suited for studio.

I decided to compare the Fujinon GF80mm f/1.7 to its closes in terms of focal length, the Fujinon GF110mm f/2 and the GF63mm f/2.8.

GF110 - GF80 - GF63
GF110 – GF80 – GF63

Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5

Next in our list is the Fujinon GF 30mm f/3.5.

In this case, we are going to compare it with the Fujinon GF23mm f/4 vs Fujinon GF 45mm f/2.8.

Sadly camerasize does not have the GF45/2.8 in their database, so I added it manually to the Fujifilm GFX50R.

Down below you see that it is just a tiny bit shorter than the GF23mm f/4

GF23 / GF 30 / GF45
GF23 / GF 30 / GF45

Both lenses are fantastic additions to the Fujinon G mount lineup.

What we want know thought, are the other ones we saw in the internal secret roadmap… but not so secret anymore, thanks to this leak ;).

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera, CalumetDE, ParkcamerasUK, JessopsUK, PCHstore

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SIDE BY SIDE: Fujinon XF33mm F1.0 vs Fujinon XF16-80mm F4 vs Fujinon XF16mmF2.8

Fujinon Roadmap Lenses

For the second time today (first time here), I had to find a way through the security check and get into the Photokina halls. Stealthy like a ninja, I made it again.

This time I was armed with my wonderful Fujifilm X-E3 and I snapped some pictures of the upcoming Fujinon lenses.

I apologize for the quality, since I tried to make my way through a couple of Fujifilm managers and an angry lady, who told me “can I help you” in a tone that clearly ment “p*** off from here“.

So time was limited, the conditions difficult, I could not touch the lenses, but I made it… somehow.

And when nobody was watching, I quickly grabbed a Fujifilm GFX 50R and made a super quick hands on video.

Back to the lenses:

  • XF33mmF1.0: Yes, it’s rather big, especially compared to the Mitakon 35mm F0.95 (manual focus only). I guess Fujifilm wants to make this the ultimate lens in terms of image quality, and still offer a fast AF motor. Filter size 77
  • XF16mmF2.8: Very small. Fits perfect in the Fujicron lineup with the XF23mmF2, XF35mmF2 and XF50mmF2. Filter size 49
  • XF16-80mmF4: This lens, my friends, will fall into the hands of many fellow X-shooters for travels. Filter size 72

And do not miss our huge GFX live blogging, which will never stop ;).

Fujifilm GFX 50R – pre-orders Wed at 9am EST: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, PCHstore

XF 33/1, 16-80/4, 16/2.8 images

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