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Meet Fujifilm GFX Shooter Luca Locatelli, 2020 World Press Photo Award Winner


As you might know, photographers using Fujifilm cameras creamed off all the top awards at the World Press Photo Awards 2020.

Fujifilm X/GFX shooters’ triumph put even the most hardcore Fujifilm APS-C mockers like Mr.”LOL Fuji” into an uncomfortable position.

In fact, after tons of videos celebrating the infinite virtues of full frame and the horrible shortcomings of APS-C, when commenting the World Press Photo Awards, suddenly Mr. LOL Fuji showed a momentary lapse of reason, and said that the camera does not matter, but the results matter.

Sure, he was not yet able to say “damn, also those APS-C Fujifilm cameras can deliver bloody awesome and professional award winning results. Maybe I was wrong all the time“. But he will eventually get there, one day.

Deconstructing wrong believes and notions that are calcified deep in our nerdy brains can take time. But Fujifilm X shooters are cool cats, and will hug Mr. LOL Fuji big time, when this happens.

Just one tip, read the manual first, Mr. LOL Fuji… and be creative. Creativity is like having a 8×10 digital sensor in your brain. Trust me, inspiration matters more than which image is sharper if seen at 500% magnification ;).

Anyway, Fujifilm is continuing to interview the photographers behind those Award Winning images.

The first interview was with Alain Shroeder (we reported here), winner of the World Press Photo overall stories category. It’s an interesting one, make sure to check it out here.

This time they interview Luca Locatelli, 1st Prize for environment story in 2020 Word Press Photo Contest.

Fellow Fujifilm shooter Luca used a Fujifilm GFX100, hence a camera with a sensor 70% bigger than full frame (that’s for the nerdy folks able to read until here ;)).

He is interviewed by one of the most popular Fujifilm managers, Makoto Oishi.

Here is a summary of the interview:

  • Luca started photography late, at 30+ years
  • he took a camera during a trip in the Amazon forest, and he fell in love in almost an irrational way
  • after 2 years he left his former job as IT guy and made photography his work
  • World Press Photo reaches everyone, exhibitions, television etc. So WPP is a huge tool for him to spread his message
  • WPP will give your job more visibility and more jobs
  • his subject was “circular economy”, investigating the problems humans cause to environment and exploring new ways to live in better harmony with the environment
  • circular economy is a way of considering waste a resource
  • he tried to find the most promising examples on the planet for the recycling business
  • 2 years he only needed to prepare the project, hence selecting what to photograph
  • for hin camera equipment means a lot
  • he loves to use technology to make his job better
  • he is kind of medium format shooter, so he picked the GFX system
  • with the GFX100, now he can also shoot good video. When he sees something that deserves to be shot on video, he can use the same camera he uses for his stills, the Fujifilm GFX100.
  • tip for young photographers: be yourself
  • at the beginning you must study, simulate, emulate, make errors, but then you need to ask yourself “where is myself inside this picture”.

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