New Fuji X PRO 1 roundup (with Sony and Panasonic comparison).

Fuji X-Pro 1 ISO test and comparison with NEX-5n and GX1 plus a remarkable sensor performance at Soundimagesplus (Click here): “As you will also clearly see the X-Pro 1 is significantly better than the other two 16MP cameras at high ISO’s.

Dpreview (Click here) posted a first impression review: “You needn’t have read this piece from start to finish to see that I’m very impressed with the X-Pro1. From what I’ve seen so far it looks like Fujifilm has avoided re-introducing any of the more egregious oddities of the X100. And while we’ve yet to subject it to our rigorous testing methodology, we’ve not found flaws of the type that plagued the X100. On balance I think it’s safe to say that the X-Pro1 is a camera that gets much more right than it does wrong.
Sounds all good!!! :)

Fujifilm X-Pro1 Camera and Lens Reviews (firmware will address the AF speed issue!)

The video on top has been made by Kai from Digitalrev.

ThedigitalPhotographySchool (Click here) posted a short Fuji X PRO 1 review and a short final sentence: “phenomenal! Razor sharp, precise colour capture.” :)

The bigger news comes form our friend John Smith (Click here). He got the X PRO 1 for testing from Fuji Canada. And he “called Fuji Canada about this AF problem and Gerry, the person at the camera technical support centre, reassured me that Fuji is working on improving the camera. Firmware updates are on the way. I just wish to pass my thanks to Fuji for its concerns for the customers.I was very impressed by the knowledge and helpfulness that I received.

Good to hear that Fuji listens to the customers and the AF speed can be improved soon :)

Fuji X PRO 1 news roundup (with NEX-7 ISO comparison)

Steve Huff (Click here) made a quick ISO comparison between the X PRO and theĀ  NEX-7. Of course you can easily guess who won the comparison :)

Hands On Review at ThePhoBlographer (Click here): “This is the camera that many of us have been waiting for. It is smallish, built well, has lenses ready with it, and has some exceptional image quality. It feels excellent in my hands and to be very honest with you, I am very close to selling my Canon 7D in order to fund one.

Studio test samples at Imaging Resource (Click here).

Fuji X PRO 1 news roundup


I just came back from a five days trip in Venice. With a huge surprise I found the first X PRo 1 camera in the middle of the city. I didn’t buy it yet because it was highly overpriced. But I played a bit with it. Had a lot of fun :) I am now catching up with the latest X PRO 1 news:
The Hyperprime 50mm f/0.95 got tested on the new X PRo 1 at f8photography (Click here).
Image samples at Letsgodigital (Click here).
E-M5 versus X PRo 1 at DCfever (Click here)
Wedding pictures at The Scades (Click here).

Part two of the X PRO review at Luminous Landscape. And EosHD now likes the camera.

Nick Devlin posted the second part of his X PRO 1 review at Luminous Landscape (Click here): “This camera can see in the dark. Its performance up to ISO 6400 is nothing short of remarkable, in particular for an APS-C sensor. This is the first camera I have used where ISO is just not an issue.” He really fell in love with the image quality and hybrid viewfinder but also found some flaws like the not so top performer 18mm lens and the usual slow autofocus.

But you absolutely have to read the full article. There are so many interesting points!

Meanwhile Andrew from EosHD (Click here) is now slowly changing his mind about the X PRo 1: “In my first look I was rather taken aback by the eccentricities of the camera and just could not work out what it offered over the cheaper NEX 7. Now in a surprised double-take, I am beginning to believe it is actually the best mirrorless on the market for stills.

Good to hear that :)