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BREAKING: Fujifilm Could Release This Unique Digital Camera in 2028



No Time to Read or Watch? →  It’s the digital version of this camera here (or better, the Fujifilm version here)


  1. this is one of the longest term rumors I have ever shared. So take it with a grain of salt, simply because we are talking about a camera that could be released in 2028
  2. discussions about this camera are very intense inside Fujifilm, but if I understood my source correctly, the final decision has not yet been taken

Fujifilm = Photography


Tell me…

Who could pull this off?

Sony? Canon? Nikon?

Nah, forget about them. They are busy fighting their Full Frame war with mainstream cameras.

No, we need a company that thinks different.

A company that does not think that niche products suck and are just a waste of R&D.

A company with such a massive photographic culture that it understands that cultivating a niche means cultivating the true passion for photography.

Anyone comes to mind?

Oh yes, this company is Fujifilm !

And that’s why, even though this rumor comes from a new source and has not yet been confirmed by trusted sources, I definitely trust that if any brand can make it happen, then it’s Fujifilm.

So, what’s the rumor?

Well, I had a chat with a new source, and this is what it told me.

Fujifilm is currently considering to release the digital successor to the XPan/TX- series from the late 90s.

If the final green light is given for this camera, then the scheduled release date is 2028.

Why 2028?

Well, first off because in order to develop a camera, Fujifilm needs 2 to 3 years, so starting its development soon would allow them to surely release it within 2028.

But there is another reason: 2028 marks the 30th anniversary of the Fujifilm TX-1, a true 65×24 panoramic film camera launched back in 1998.

The Fujifilm TX-1 was manufactured by Fujifilm together with Hasselblad (who sold it under the name “XPan“).

In 2003 the follow up models where launched, the Fujifilm TX-2 and the Hasselblad XPan II.

If you want to know more about the history of these cameras, check out the dedicated article at camerawiki here.

Fujifilm TX-3

Here on FujiRumors we have often expressed the wish for such a panoramic digital camera.

And in fact we have also hosted several guest posts of fellow FR-readers asking for exactly this camera:

In one of those articles, fellow FR-reader Pavel has also made some mockups (one of the images was used for the image above). You can check out his article here.

And of course, feel free to let us know in the comments what you think about it.

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