X-T1: “The EVF is the best on the market!” (anonymous source)
best EVF on the market for the weather sealed X (X-T1)?
One of the key features of the upcoming X-T1 will be the EVF. An anonymous source (thx for sharing) told me that even EVF haters will have to admit that the EVF on the “new Fuji T camera” is “pretty damn nice”.
So what makes it so special?
The source said that on the “new Fuji T camera the new EVF is big and beautiful and the refresh rate is the best I’ve ever seen. Really. Greatest EVF on the market… Some cool tricks in the EVF.”
The source also said that “anyone thinking of getting an [shoplink 17516]OM-D[/shoplink] should hold off until the end of the month. So worth the wait.”
Message to anonymous sources: feel free to give yourself a fake name when you drop me messages via rumor box, so that I can recognize you in future, in case you decide to share information again.
Here are the rumored specs:
- bigger (extra-large) and better (high performance) EVF / (trusted + anonymous sources)
- APS-C X-Trans sensor II (16MP) / (trusted + anonymous sources)
- double SD-card slot / (trusted sources)
- weather sealed body / (trusted sources)
- announcement at the end January / (trusted sources)
- price range between X-E and X-PRO line / (new and anonymous sources)
- FujicaST-like design / (source who was right in the past, but not yet upgraded to the elite-team of trusted sources
- faster AF than the X-E2 / (new source)
- additional battery grip / (anonymous source)
- name: X-T1 / (anonymous sources)
Any help is appreciated. If there is anyone out there who can tell me more about the weather sealed X (or any other X-gear), please contact me at fujirumor@gmail.com or also completely anonymously via rumor box.