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TOP START: Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Already Best Selling Lens of the Year 2020 on FujiRumors


Is it true?

Is the brand new Fujinon XF50mm F1.0 really selling as good as Fujifilm’s official statement would induce us to believe?

Or is it just a marketing phrase?

It’s hard to say at this point in time. What we know, is that in the past, when Fuji said there is high demand, it really was this way.

We also know that AmazonUS marked the 50/1 as best selling new release for several days (and it’s still high ranked 3 weeks after announcement).

After Fuji’s statement, I was curious to see how this lens was accepted by the FujiRumors community, and see if here in the little FujiRumors world we can confirm or not Fuji’s “high demand” statement.

And here is the fact:

In just a few days, the Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 already became the best selling lens on FujiRumors of 2020.

And while it surely has the advantage that it’s brand new, hence naturally draws more interest, it’s also true that most of the other Fujinon lenses were on sale throughout the year (and some still are), and yet none of the other lenses (not even the very affordable f/2 Fujicrons or the super-affordable Viltrox 56mm f/1.4) come even close to the XF50mmf/1.0.

Sure, the FujiRumors community is not representative for overall worldwide sales, as people reading this blog are usually serious enthusiast or professional photographers, who know about photography and love its artistic and technical aspects, and are also more willing to invest in higher-end gear.

So, what is a hot item on FujiRumors, is not necessarily a bestseller overall.

But at least regarding the Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0, I think at this point we can confidently say that it had a brilliant start.

Well done Fujifilm, looks like you crafted a winner :).
