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This App Allows You to Save Your Own Film Simulation Recipes on Your Smartphone


The new Fuji Custom Recipe App allows you to build your own custom Film Simulation Recipes for Fujifilm cameras.

It also allows you to add photos to any recipe so you can remember the look it produces.

This app is different than what is currently available because it allows you to create your own recipes! A list of the other features can be found in the screenshots on either app store.

The iOS version can be found on the App Store here:

Fuji Custom RecipeĀ – iOS

The Android version can be found on the Google Play Store here:
Fuji Custom RecipeĀ – Android

There is an iPad version available but I would recommend against purchasing it for iPad at this point because it is currently only optimized for phone screen sizes. There will be an iPad update coming in the future but for now it’s not ideal.

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