Fujifilm Manager X-S10 Presentation: “Not All Fujifilm Cameras will Have Selfie Screens in Future and We Don’t Hate Mode Dials”

The Japanese youtube channel カメラのキタムラ had a chat with a Fujifilm manager.

The talk gravitates around the Fujifilm X-S10, and quite frankly 90% of what is said is stuff you already know. Here we highlight a few things that we consider more interesting.

The Mode Dial

  • One of the things we wanted to do was “custom position”, which is available from C1 to C4
  • we don’t hate mode dials
  • The X-S10 is a “gate camera” for those who enter the X system. A mode dial for simply operation was adpoted for that reason

The mode dial with C-positions is actually like going back to the roots for the Fujifilm X series, as Fujifilm’s second X series camera ever had already one and it continued with its successor.

If you ask me, bringing it back in what is probably the best value for money mid-range camera on the market, is an extremely smart and urgently needed move. We need more folks to join the X club, and the X-S10 could serve this purpose very well.

Film Simulations + Auto Mode

  • It is no exaggeration to say that the first reason for wanting to use a Fujifilm camera is film simulation
  • By pressing the Q button after displaying the film simulation with the function dial, an explanation of that film simulation will appear
  • An increasing number of younger generations of photography enthusiasts have never shot on film
  • New SP mode will record also RAW and select everything for you, inlcluding film simulation

The Rise of Vary-Angle Screens (selfie screens)

  • Fujifilm is not trying to put vary-angle screens on every camera
  • Each camera has its own personality, and Fujifilm chooses whether to implement a selfie screen depending on the main shooting purpose
  • The 3-axis tilt LCD monitor works effectively for still image shooting, so Fujifilm thinks it will continue to be effective for cameras that focus on still images

In my opinion a 3-way tilt screen is superior also for video shooters. The only advantage of fully articulating screens, is if you want to take selfie images or film yourself.

You can read the full summary of the interview in Japanese here (google translated).

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IBIS Performance of X-S10, X-T4 and X-H1 on All Fujifilm X Mount lenses Compared

The Fujifilm X-S10 features a brand new IBIS unit.

  • it’s 30% smaller than then one on the Fujifilm X-T4
  • it’s half a stop less effective than the Fujifilm X-T4 IBIS (up to 6 stops instead of up to 6.5 stops)

You can see the IBIS unit of X-S10 side by side with the one of X-T4 and X-H1 in this article.

But which Fujinon X mount lens gets how much stabilization on the X-S10? Well, you can see the answer in the chart above.

Also, the IBIS data above gives you a side by side comparison between X-S10, X-T4 and X-H1.

To sum it quickly up:

  • 22 Fujinon lenses work best with X-T4
    XF10-24 MK I – XF10-24 MK II – XC15-45 – XC16-50 MK II – XF18-55 – XF14 – XF16/1.4 – XF16/2.8 – XF18 – XF23/1.4 – XF23/2 – XF27 – XF35/1.4 – XF35/2 – XC35/2 – XF50-140 – XF50/1 – XF50/2 – XF56 – XF56APD – XF60 – XF8-16
  • 7 Fujinon lenses work best with X-T4 and X-S10
    XF18-135 – XC50-230 – XF55-200 – XF100-400 – XF200 – XF90 – XF16-55
  • 2 Fujinon lenses work equally well on X-S10, X-T4 and X-H1
    XF80mmF2.8 – XF16-80

Remember: Fujifilm declared downsizing IBIS one of the top priorities. And so far it seems they are proceeding pretty fast.

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Fujifilm X-S10 New IBIS Small Enough for Fujifilm X-E4?

Recently FujiRumors broke the rumor about the Fujifilm X-E4 to come in early 2021.

The rumor triggered a stunning number of 230+ comments, and many of them are, as to expect, speculations and wishes about the features of the Fujifilm X-E4.

One of the hot topics was if the X-E4 has IBIS or not.

At this point in time I do not know the answer to this question.

All I could do is to try to imagine if the new smaller IBIS of the Fujifilm X-S10 would fit in the small body of the Fujifilm X-E3.

So I searched long on the internet, until I found a nice and clear technical Fujifilm official sketch of the Fujifilm X-S10 IBIS.

Based on that sketch, I was able to virutally mount the IBIS unit of the X-S10 with high accuracy on the Fujifilm X-E3.

The result is clear: it fits!

And not only it fits, but it seems that it would leave still enough room for the other components, as it would not take away precious space to the EVF, the battery compartment, etc.

Again, I have no idea if the Fujifilm X-E4 will have IBIS (and if anyone out there knows the answer to this question, feel free to let me know via fujirumor@gmail.com or via personal message on social media).

But it certainly looks like if Fujifilm wanted, they could squeeze IBIS into the Fujifilm X-E4, of course provided that the X-E4 keeps the body size of the X-E3 and doesn’t make the X-E4 much smaller than the current X-E3, which is another thing I have no idea of (if X-E4 will have same size of X-E3).

So, there is still a lot we have to find out about the Fujifilm X-E4, and if you are interested, then you should definitely follow FujiRumors.

With all that said… take care, share love, take pictures and see you soon in the next article.

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The Complete Fujifilm X Series Guide Updated Now with Fujifilm X-S10 and Fujinon XF10-24mmF4 R OIS WR

Fujifilm has just updated its complete Fujifilm X Series guide and added the Fujifilm X-S10 and the Fujinon XF10-24mm f/4 R OIS WR

You can download the new X series guide here.

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