Sony A9 Vs. Fujifilm X-T2: Who Has Better Colors? … and Don’t Forget to Enjoy Fuji’s Film Simulations :)
Sony a9 vs Fuji X-T2: Which Has Better Color? at Denae & Andrew youtube (using PROVIA on X-T2)
Sony Vs. Fujifilm – Colors
The Blind Test
Andrew wants us to play a bit, so why not, I’m in :)
He will show you some images, taken with Fujifilm X-T2 and Sony A9, standard color profile (on the Fuji X-T2 it’s Provia). He won’t tell you which images has been taken by which camera. You just write up what you prefer, and at the end check out the results.
Of course I did it, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m used to the Fuji look or not, but Fujifilm turns out as winner in 67% of the cases for me (14 for Fuji, 7 for Sony).
Especially in the portrait shots series I almost every time prefered the Fuji output over Sony’s (when Andrew shot nature/flowers, my results were more balanced).
On the other hand, Andrew prefered 11 times Sony and 10 times Fuji.
This shows that personal preference plays an important role…
… but let me add also this…
Don’t Forget the Film Simulations!
Fujifilm has put a terrific effort and lots of knowledge into developing the Fujifilm film simulations. Velvia (for landscapes), Astia (for portraits), Acros (for black and white) and Co are all ment to give you great out of the box images for certain situations.
So why not use them?
These film simulations give us not only great results in terms of colors (the famous “Fuji Colors”), but they are also a whole lot of fun to use. Personally I often just like to play around with the internal RAW converter and change film simulations on my images, maybe while I’m in the train back home after a day of shooting.
I believe that, if Andrew, in the first part of his review, would have used the Velvia profile on the Fuji and the Vivid on the Sony, I’d have liked Fuji colors in his test even more than the current 67%. As mirrorlessons wrote on their X-Pro2 Vs. Sony A6300 comparison (which I’ve shared here on FujiRumors):
“if we compare both vidid profiles (also called Velvia on the X-Pro2), we can see that the Fuji produces a warmer, more saturated result.”
Now, I perfectly get it why Andrew used only the standard profile. It’s of course a valid test. But the thing is, that in real life sometimes I like to fine tune my images, and the fastest and often best way to fine tune the colors, is to use one of Fujifilm’s film simulations.
Guys, do you want to experience the magic of Fujifilm colors? Then have fun and use the film simulations :)
Read also
- “Skin Tones – Fuji 56/1.2 vs Sony 85mm GM, Canon 85/1.2 L, Zeiss Batis 85, & Panasonic Leica 42.5/1.2” at
- “The Great JPEG Shootout by TheCameraStoreTV” [also here using Provia only] at
- The World of Film Simulations explained. More at
& More
There is one more Sony Vs. Fujifilm SOOC color comparison. You can find it at How To And Reviews Youtube. But please note that he uses Canon glass on his Fujifilm. I think to really judge the colors a system gives you, he should have used Fujinon glass.
Fujnon glass has a great color rendition. For example, when I use my Samyang 12mm on my X-T1 for landscape photography, the image look less vivid then when I use Fuji X-mount glass (of course always with Velvia setting).
Don’t get me wrong, for that price, the Samyang 12mmF2 is a no brainer and it’s all in all a lovely lens I didn’t reget a second I bought it. But sometimes I miss the “little extra” Fujinon glass gives me, not only in terms of sharpness, but also in terms of color rendition.
I guess I better start looking around for a good deal on the XF 10-24 ;)