Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 65mm f/1.4 for Fujifilm GFX Available Now and Reviews



Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 65mm f/1.4

The Mitakon Speedmaster 65mm F1.4 for Fujifilm GFX is now available now at AmazonUS (via third-party) and eBay (check the warranty). Expect it to be available soon also at BHphoto and Adorama. You can also grab it directly at with 5 year warranty.

Beta testers of the Mitakon 65/1.4 like Jonas Rask have already shared samples at our Fujifilm GFX facebook group since several weeks, such as Jonas Rask, who who say here:

“It’s a fantastic lens that I’ve really enjoyed shooting the past months. Not as sharp as the GF63 counterpart wide open, but it holds up really nice when stopped down.

Wide open, corners are not as sharp as center – obviously. But it has minimal vignette. Just to be clear, I was told that this is NOT a converted full frame 50mm f/0.95.

What you will get with this lens is a really unique look to your images.

We’ve all heard the phrase “I love that medium format look” – which basically translates into “Wide field of view combined with narrow depth of field

This lens will make your full body portraits look like something out of a Pentax 67 with 105/2.4.

You can obviously achieve this look with other lenses (Voigtländer 58/1.4, Minolta 58/1.2 etc) But the Mitakon just feels right at home on the GFX with its native mount and size.”

Jonas Rasks’ full Mitakon 65mmF1.4 review can be read at jonasrask here.

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Press Release

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Fujifilm GFX50R Owner’s Manual Released. Good Sales, Slow Shipping!


Fuji GFX50R

The Fujifilm GFX50R owner’s manual is now available in html version and PDF version.

If you follow our fantastic Fujifilm GFX User Group, you will be able to chat with the first Fujifilm GFX50R owners out there, and enjoy their images.

At the moment it’s not that easy to find the Fuji GFX50R in stock. Adorama for example marked it as “backordered“.

I hear the demand for Fuji GFX50R is pretty good, and fulfilling all pre-orders might take longer than Fujifilm originally planed. So brace yourself with a bit of patience.

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Fujifilm GFX 50R: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera


Software Updates for RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 3.0, FUJIFILM X RAW Studio, Tethered Shooting Software HS-V5 for Windows


Fujifilm has just updated some of its software

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Capture One Pro 12 with FUJIFILM Film Simulations Released and TESTED vs Lightroom and In Camera


Capture One Pro 12

If you were waiting for Capture One Pro to add Fujifilm film simulation support, well, then your day to get the newly released Capture One Pro 12 has come! And of course you save 10% with code AMBFR on the standalone version, and 5% with code AMBFR on the subscription model.

NOTE: Apparently film simulations work only with cameras that feature an X-Processor Pro or X-Processor 4, so X-Pro2, X-T2, X-T20, X-H1, X-T3, X-E3, X100F, GFX50S and GFX5oR. Check out the full list here.

If you purchased Capture One Pro 11 from the 1st of November and later, you will get a free upgrade to Capture One Pro 12.

But Capture One Pro 12 adds more than just Fujifilm film simulation profiles.

Improvements, new features and new tools in Capture One 12

  • Powerful, refined interface
  • Revamped menu system
  • Luminosity masking
  • Linear Gradient Mask
  • Radial Gradient Mask
  • Redesigned Keyboard Shortcut manager
  • New plug-in ecosystem
  • Fujifilm Film Simulation support
  • Extended AppleScript support

Buy & Save on Capture One Pro 12

Film Simulation Comparison

I have made a quick comparison between in-camera, Lightroom and Capture One Pro film simulation, based on the last Capture One Beta software available. I will re-test it with the final version, and update this article, if I see relevant changes.


NOTE 1: Images are compressed for web use. Hence, you might notice artifacts in some images
NOTE 2: I have bumped up the “Light Falloff” slider in Capture One Pro 12 to match the vignetting of Lightroom and In-Camera
NOTE 3: I can apply ETERNA to my Fujifilm X-E3 in Capture One, but since I can’t create ETERNA files in my Fuji X-E3 or in Lightroom, I will skip this comparison

IC = In Camera
C1 = Capture One
LR = Lightroom


Both, Capture One and Lightoom, make a very good job.

However, looking at the high-resolution images on my retina display, I consider Capture One film simulations a bit more faithful to the original Fujifilm film simulations, since Lightroom tends to add a tiny bit too much warmth to the images.

There are only two film simulations, where the warmer Lightroom images are a slightly more faithful to the original Fuji film simulations: Acros and Monochrome.

Keep in mind I used a Beta C12 version, and Phase One might have fine tuned it further in the meantime.

SAMPLES (and What’s NOT Included)

Here is the In-Camera vs Capture One vs Lightroom Fujifilm film simulation comparison.

For the sake of your readability (and page loading time), I compared all film simulations, except for Monochrome Standard/Y/G/R, Acros R/G/Y and Pro Neg Hi.

I have all the comparisons done, so if you absolutely insist, I can upload them. But I think the images down below already show how good Capture One’s film simulations are. And you can always download the free 30 days Capture One Pro 12 trial, and play around with them by yourself.

And beware: those who ask in the comments for a Sepia comparison, will be immediately banned ;).

With that said, these are boring images (the ones I am proud of I share them on my Instagram), but I think they are good images to compare the film simulations.

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Profoto Air Remote TTL-F compatible with Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm GFX 50R


Profoto Air Remote TTL-F compatible with Fujifilm X-T3 and GFX 50R

FUJIFILM has recently announced its new cameras FUJIFILM X-T3 and FUJIFILM GFX 50R. The Profoto Air Remote TTL-F is compatible with the X-T3 and GFX 50R out of the box.


– Your camera’s Shutter Type setting should not be “Electronic Shutter”.
– Make sure to use the latest firmware on your Air Remote TTL-F and Profoto flashes.

via profoto newsletter

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Fujifilm GFX 50R: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera
Fujifilm X-T3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera


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