FUJIFILM XApp (iOS / Android) Ver.2.0.3 Release


Dear customers

Application bug is fixed that caused time synchronization discrepancies with the camera in some regions.

However, the AREA SETTING for some regions are not automatically updated to that area even with Ver.2.0.3 so be sure to change the camera’s AREA SETTING manually.

Automatic updating of AREA SETTING will be corrected sequentially with the camera firmware.

This application bug occurs in the following areas.

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I am Sorry Scalpers, But Fujifilm USA Cares: Large Number of Limited Edition X100VI Order Canceled and Raffle Announced



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Ein Beitrag geteilt von FUJIFILM X/GFX USA (@fujifilmx_us)

Fujifilm USA X100VI LE Raffle

You know what’s funny?

When scalpers grabbed a large numbers of limited edition Fujifilm X100VI cameras using bots, they started bragging about how many they were able to snatch.

And when somebody called them out and said that Fujifilm USA is looking manually into every order, they just gave a cheeky reply that Fujifilm is bluffing and they won’t care, as you can see from this screenshot.

And look, I get their mindset. I mean, Fujifilm couldn’t care less who bought the cameras. Bots or not, Fujifilm cashed in its money and could move on happily.

But sadly for scalpers, Fujifilm actually cares about its customers and on their social media they announced they have looked into every order, canceled a large number of them and will offer a raffle in future to give a fair chance to loyal fans.

Now it will be funny to follow all those scalpers on their discord servers and see their reaction when hundreds of their orders get canceled.

Sorry guys, this is what happens when a company actually cares about its customers!

What’s Good Customer Service

It’s when things go wrong, that you really see how good a customer service is. And things definitely went wrong in many countries with the limited edition X100VI sale.

And I call it great customer service that Fujifilm USA admitted that things went wrong, then manually checked every single X100VI LE order, canceled all suspicious orders and found new ways to distribute the X100VI LE.

Here in Europe (except for UK) we might have had the same scalper issue judging by the sheer speed all the X100VI LE sold out all across Europe. And I can find lots of X100VI LE now sold in Europe at a higher price on eBay. But I have no information on which steps Fujifilm Europe took (if any) to minimise the scalpers issue.


Fujifilm Steals, Amazon Deals, Newest Gear and More


Amazon Spring Deals

The Amazon Spring deals are now running at:

Newest Gear

New From Tamron

Best Kickstarter

Amazon Refurbished Pages

Fujifilm Deals in USA

X Gear

GFX Gear


All Fujfiilm EUROPE Deals – End March 31

Special Mention (in UK):

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Meike 55mm f/1.4 APS-C AF for Fujifilm X Available Now


The brand new Meike 55mm f/1.4 X Autofocus lens is now available at BHphoto here.

Down below you can see the review of Damian Brown.

It’s Meike’s second AF lens for Fujifilm X after this one.
