X100S at f/2: riflessifotografici feedback

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image courtesy: Max Angeloni (riflessifotografici) – X-Pro1 – 35mm, Color Efex Pro4

[Reminder: At the X100S Cnet review here the reviewer talked about an “almost unusable” lens performance at f/2 for anything closer than 10 feet (3 meters).]

I dropped an email to the riflessifotografici-guys. They are right now deep into the testings of X100S and X20. (on March 11 they posted the X100S first impression here, and the X20 first impressions here). So they are quite busy, but found the time to answer me.

They are checking the X100S “unusable f/2” and compared it also with the old X100 at f/2. According to their first impressions, they suppose that those reviewers who reported problems shooting wide open with subjects closer than 10 feet probably tested a pre-production X100S that may not have been perfectly adjusted.

So far everything seems to be ok. But for the final word we’ll have to wait their full review, where the X100S gets X-rayed by riflessifografici ;). Thanks guys.

have a great weekend

image courtesy: Max Angeloni (riflessifotografici) – X-Pro1 – 35mm a f/1.8, 6400 Iso – PP Lightroom 4.4

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RUMOR UPDATE: X-PRO2 coming late 2013 early 2014

I promised you that I’d come back as soon as trusted sources told me more, so here I am.

According to these sources, that were right in the past, Fuji won’t launch the X-PRO2 before late 2013 early 2014. So now I can exclude with certainity that, as rumored first in this Nippon Magazin, the X-PRO2 will be available in June.

So, still time to give Fuji some advice about how we’d like the X-PRO2 to be. Just write your wish list in the comments. I got some suggestions via email.

1) flip screen
2) wifi
3) touch screen
4) Allow customisation of the Q menu
5) focus peaking (where you can choose colour)
6) environmental sealing (from the comments. keep up your suggestions)

Some of these suggestions (for the X100S) can be found over here at uservoice.com.

Feel free to extend this hardware and software improvements-list for the future X-PRO2 in the comments.


X100S: DigitalRev “Fuji X100S vs XE-1 vs Sony RX1 – battle of the X’s” + AmazonUK and ITA in stock

DigitalRev posted the X-battle (X100S vs X-E1 vs RX1) video here… from the conclusions “get the X100S because it’s cool!” ;)

AmazonUK has the X100S in stock here. And so also AmazonITA here.

X100S: BHphoto / AdoramaAmazonUS / AmazonDEAmazonUK / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon
X20:  BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUS (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / AmazonDE / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon
Fuji X-E1: Amazon.it, DigitalRev, eBay

Studio X

by Rico Pfirstinger

Talk to Rico (questions & feedback)Rico’s studio samples set

Taking your X-series camera to a studio is easy. All you need is a well-equipped location, a stunning model, great make-up, amazing dresses, beautiful lighting and the talent to put it all together.

Obviously, I’ve got none of that.

That’s why I turned to Damien Lovegrove, who’s not only a master of the trade, but also a keen and experienced X-series user. When others shoot with bulky Canikons, Damien will use his classic (black) X100 or his X-Pro1. Many of his images are nothing short of spectacular and can be admired on his blog, and unlike other well-known pros, he’s not paid by Fujifilm for using and endorsing their products. Shooting the little Fujis is his choice. Here’s Damien with one of his beloved Lupolights, posing as a stand-in model:

Once I learned that Damien was coming to Munich for a lighting workshop at Radmila Kerl’s studio on April 3rd, I quickly secured myself a spot. After all, it’s just a 90 minutes drive from where I live. I brought my X-Pro1, X-E1 and X100S cameras along with a full set of lenses, eventually using Fuji’s trusted kit zoom (which Damien uses a lot), the F1.4/35mm and a classic Voigtländer Heliar F1.8/75mm with Leica M mount, which has become one of my favorite portrait lenses. Damien quickly fell in love with it, as well, but he was struggling with the manual focus of the lens. So let’s begin with a 75mm high-key shot of our stunning model Wlada Schüler from Berlin:


Lit with a single Profoto flashlight from above/behind, I used ISO 1250, f/2.8 and 1/125s flash sync on my X-E1 along with some heavy overexposure that is required for this look. Here’s another example, this time with Fuji’s kit zoom lens at 55mm and f/4.5, dialing up the X-Pro1’s ISO to 1600:


Apart from the initial Voigtländer image, all samples in this article are based on factory-setting OOC JPEGs (Provia), although I dialed down the highlight tone to -2 for several shots. The JPEGs were swiftly processed in Apple Aperture (no fancy stuff or layer work) and uploaded to Flickr.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

X100S + WCL-X100 = GREAT!

sgoldswoblog tested the brand new X100S with the [shoplink 9132]Fuji WCL-X100 (specs&price)[/shoplink]. The results are great. As Rico said once in the comments, “with the WCL, you basically have a two-lens mini system with leaf shutter, fast aperture and terrific IQ.

The WCL-X100 converts the X100S/X100 23mm lens to a 19mm lens (28mm equivalent). So, if you’d like it to have flexibility across 2 focal lengths of your X100S/X100, you should consider to purchase this converter. Is it worth to get it? sgoldswoblog says:

“Yes and no. The 28mm focal length is more challenging for street photography but does give you that little bit more to play with. I do prefer 35, but there are times when 28 is a definite preference. This is a really nice, well built piece of kit that is definitely worth getting if you plan to travel with your X100S. The only downside (for me) is that it is relatively expensive and you need to tell the camera it is fitted.”

Just read the review at sgoldswoblog here.

Fuji WCL-X100: [shopcountry 10360] Fuji X100S: [shopcountry 10075] Fuji X100 [shopcountry 9135]

image courtesy: sgoldswoblog

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