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These Fujifilm Products Won the EISA Awards


Many years ago a bunch of people had a brilliant idea: why don’t we team up to give away meaningless awards that companies will pay us lots of money to “win”.

The idea turned out to be extremely successful.

Since then, once a year, on a tropical island sipping their mojito’s, a group of people meets with the difficult task to make up as many categories as possible to make every brand win and maximize their profits.

Today the concept still works, the tropical islands have fast WiFi, and selecting winners has become more fun than ever.

Anyone out there who wants to team up with to create an award?

We can discuss this idea on my all time favorite place in the Caribbeans (where I jumped from 46 feet cliff as you can see here).

* this is a satirical post (sort of)

And the Award goes to…


via EISA
