Fujifilm X100F :: OVF/EVF Lever with Integrated Button + Control Ring on the Lens ** X100F RUMOR RECAP (not fake ;) )


Fuji X100F with front dial mock-up
Shared at the Fuji X100F facebook group by Mason

Fujifilm X100F

The Fujifilm X100F will have a control ring (works like the one we find on the already discontinued Fujifilm X70) and a button on the OVF/EVF Switch lever.

ATTENTION: I see a few websites, that copy (correct) rumors from FR (of course without credit), and, without respect to their readers, add fake ones on the top of it. This is confusing X-shooters, especially those wondering if they should wait for the X100F or buy the discounted X100T. So it happens that I get quite some emails asking for clarification. I’m trying to answer you all, but you can check the rumors by yourself, too, without waiting for my reply… just search for X100F at FujiRumors, and you will see them all.

X100F or X100T… the decision is up to you… all I can do is to deliver you as accurate rumors as possible… so here is the full list of rumored specs:

X100T (save $200): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaFocusCamera

_ _ _

Rumored Specs Fuji X100F facebook Group:

Debunking Fake Rumors :: No Fujifilm X100F in February… it Will Be Announced in January! – TRUSTED SOURCE


Fuji X100F with front dial mock-up
Shared at the Fuji X100F facebook group by Mason

Fujifilm X100F

I read many rumors elsewhere, about an X100F announcement in February. But I have to inform you that this (and more) are just fake rumors.

So, it’s time to set things right now.

There won’t be any Fujifilm X100F announcement in February, not even at the CP+ show in Japan (where we might get other cool stuff, but not the X100F). The Fujifilm X100F will get its launch party in January.

This comes from trusted source.

Feel free to share the word on other blogs and forums… and remember that I don’t have anything against it, if you quote the blog, where you got this (and other) rumors ;)

My Rumor Codex: I’m aware of the responsibility that comes with running the biggest X-related website and dealing with rumors, and as a sign of respect and responsibility towards all FR-readers, I do not share fake rumors. I’ll always try to give you the most accurate rumors I can… in my crappy English, of course ;).

And at this point, I really have to express my deepest gratitude to all those sources, who shared correct information and help us to keep the X-world out there excited… it’s awesome how reliable you are :-)

and don’t worry… we are going to have fun, dear X-folks ;)
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed
and Twitter

Fujifilm X100F with Integrated Shutter/ISO Dial + Joystick!

Shutter/ISO dial Combo… a good idea? Palle Schultz opinion on youtube

The Fujifilm X100F

According to an anonmyous source (thanks), the Fujifilm X100F will feature the same integrated Shutter/ISO dial of the Fujifilm X-Pro2… as well as the joystick. The source also confirmed it will take the NP-W126 batteries.

The Fujifilm X100F is rumored to have the same 23/2 lens of the previous generations (rumor here) and it will take NP-W126(S) batteries (rumor here)

Join the Fujifilm X100F Facebook Group here

BLACK FRIDAY DEALS: USA: AmazonUS, BHphoto, Adorama CANADA: AmazonCA EUROPE: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, AmazonIT, AmazonFR, AmazonES



Two More Fujifilm Cameras Registered in China… probably Fujifilm X100F and X-T20!

Bug Fix Firmware



Fujifilm registered two more cameras at the Chinese MIIT.

Fujifilm used code names, but these are very likely the Fujifilm X100F (all rumors here) and X-T20 (all rumors here), which I already told you won’t come this year, since the last X-series camera to come in 2016 will be the Fujifilm X-A10.  The site nokishita says they will probably in spring.

One thing is sure… 2017 is going to have a hot Fuji start, with the X100F, X-T20 and Fujfilm GFX ready to be launched. And if I look at the lens roadmap, then I’d say it’s high time for a new one, too.

And I also won’t stop dreaming of this camera ;)

enjoy your weekend,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed
and Twitter

Fujifilm X100F Will Have 23mmF2 Lens… of X100/S/T – Trusted Source


The Perfect Fujifilm X100F designed according to FR-reader Andreas has a F1.4 lens. The real X100F will still feature the more compact 23mmF2 lens

Fujifilm X100F Lens

According to a trusted source, the Fujifilm X100F will feature the 23mmF2 lens we find also on the X100/S/T. It will be interesting to see how this lens performs on the new 24MP X-TransIII sensor.

Fujifilm X100T (save $200): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaFocusCamera

Feel free to join the Fujifilm X100F facebook group


All Fujinon XF lens Savings (save up to $400): BHphoto / Amazon /Adorama

Fujifilm X-Pro2 (save $150): BHphoto / AmazonUS / FocusCamera / Adorama / BestBuy
Fujifilm X-T10 (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / FocusCamera / Adorama
Fujifilm X-T10 doubt XC kit (save $400): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama
X-T1 Black Body (save $400): BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS
X-T1 Graphite (save $400): BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS
X-T1 + 18-135 (save $400): BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS
X-T1 + 18-55 (save $400): BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS