the X-E1…the sexiest camera on the market?



Well, what a strange issue. Sure, Fuji has the RAW-problem to solve, the distribution of the new X-E1 seems not to be that good, so that in Europe at the different online stores the camera is quickly running out of stock and we are still waiting for the camera to be shipped at the major US online stores (Amazon Adorama, eBay, Cameta Camera, B&H…).

But it’s a grey and wet autumn day here, and maybe it’s good to deal with an easy subject.

So while I was jumping from review to review, from mail to mail, I stumbled on a original theory. Where does the name X-E1 come from? Why did the marketing experts call this camera X-E1? Well, the answer could be found in this book about the subliminal seduction (click here) and (click here) deduces that the name “X-E1” should unconsciously evoke the “SeX-y-One”.

Let’s look if, in the end, it’s the name or the amazing pictures that this camera shoots, that will boost the sales of the X-E1.

have a great day,


Fuji X-E1 in stock at Vestis Digital through Amazon US



The long waiting has finally come to an end… at least for those of you who can grab one of this 4 silver X-E1 in stock at Vestis digital (click here for the Amazon page of Vestis Digital). If you prefer the black one, click here. For those who already bought the Kenji Leather Half case (click here), now you can put the camera in it!

Be aware that you have to pay 70 dollar extra if you want to have it through Vestis Digital, a shop with no sales history, as our readers noticed in the comments (thanks for that).

Have fun with that camera, and share your experience with fujirumors!






UPDATE – Adobe and Fuji working together for a native RAW-files support of the X-Trans sensor?


We received a new rumor, that seems to confirm what we have written in our previous post (click here). Fuji really seems to collaborate with Adobe to develop the software-programs and make them compatible with the X-Trans technology.

Our source had a conversation with Fuji staff at the Photo Plus Pro in NYC. Fuji told him that the X-E1 system has been delivered to Adobe, Apple and DXO and is now working with them towards tweaking the RAW file processing from the new Fuji X-Trans sensor. According to this new rumor we can be confident that Fuji is really moving to solve this problem.
He also told us that at the Photo Plus Pro there was a really big interest of photographers to check out the X-E1 (stealing the show to other cameras). He checked out the camera with the new zoom lens, and enjoyed this “sweet package“.
Thanks T. ;-)

It’s here… X-F1 in stock at Amazon GER, ITA and FR



Here it is!

We just get the news that is shipping the X-F1 (see on The colors available are red (click here) and black (click here). Right now there is just a limited amount of cameras in stock, so hurry if you’re interested!

You can have the camera also in Italy (click here for the red version of the X-F1). The red version comes with a 17% price drop, for 415€. If you spend 499€ you can get the camera, an additional battery pack and a 16 GB SD-card (click here for the bundle).

Last but not least, there are also some X-F1 in stock at (click here).



Adobe and Fuji working together for a native RAW-files support of the X-Trans sensor?


A reader of Fujirumors directed our attention to a post in the dpreview-forum (click here). According to this rumor, Fuji is working with Adobe and Apple to make their software compatible with the RAW-files of the X-Trans sensor. Maxster writes: “Just came back from D-Clic photo show in Montreal and had the chance to talk with Billy from Fuji Guys. He asked me if I was happy with my X-Pro1 and I said yes, very happy BUT would like Adobe and others to better support it (or at all in the case of Aperture…). I expected him to play it safe but he actually acknowledged the problem right away and told me that they recently signed a non-disclosure agreement with both Adobe and Apple and provided them with specs for supporting the X-Trans sensor! He said he is also pushing strong with Fuji to add support for TIFF in the camera so that could be another good thing for some. Lets hope this leads to progress…

But recently Apple released a new update for Aperture 3 and there is still no support for Fujifilms X-PRO1. And again, Fuji users were quite disappointed. Just read the comments to this dpreview post (click here). As Jaryl says: “Why nothing for Fuji X-Pro 1? Is it later or never?”

In the last months the voices grew louder, and the “RAW-problem” became a serious problem for Fuji and for photographers using the X-PRO1 (click here)  and the new X-E1 (click here).

No doubt, the jpegs of these cameras are really good, ISO is excellent, the sensor has a great potential, but many programs that work with RAW-files do not support the new X-Trans sensor technology. This is a real struggle for the normal workflow of photographers. As says: “We have an existing workflow. We don’t want to be forced to change that workflow and our software mix to get good results from our raw files.

Until now, the very low sales of the X-PRO1 didn’t push software companies to spend time and money to develop software solutions for the new X-Trans sensor. So suggests: “Fujifilm needs to do everything under the sun to make sure that Adobe’s conversions are optimal for X-Trans, then they need to make sure they do that for the #2, #3, #4… makers of converters. Failure to do that puts them in the same corner Fujifilm was in with DSLRs and never got out of: an interesting and oddball choice that has no optimized workflow most users would embrace.

Finally, if the rumor of Maxster is correct, Fuji is really doing “everything under the sun” to make the X-Trans files compatible with the most important photo-software products. The X-Trans sensor is now in use for several months, and there shouldn’t be still such a big lack of software support. But Fuji has demonstrated to listen to feedback from photographers in developing his cameras. Let’s hope that they will do it also this time, and that rumors are going to be confirmed soon!

If you have some news or rumors to share, just contact us by email.

Are you using any software to work with X-Trans RAW pictures? if so, leave a comment.

take care, and thanks mike ;-)



