XF 16mm F1.8 Patent Spotted



patent 2

The Japanese site Egami spotted an XF FUJINON 16mm F1.8 lens Patent.

google translated version of the patent

Extremely reputable Fujinon lens

Acquaintance had envious a Fujinon. One of the image quality evaluation is high reason of Fujinon, relatively huge optical system it is because has given to the APS-C. 35mm 1.5 times and do it at full size it will be size. Because does not change human use also changed the format size, small format is the easy to adopt a relatively large optical system.

35mm full-size mirror-less has been increasing. 35mm full size amount of blurring and high sensitivity and the number of pixels might be advantageous, but to but not less ponderous of AF, will be required bloated optical system and an attempt is resolved to the periphery. It might be a good even APS-C mirrorless has been reviewed.

F1.8 / F2 single-focus series

Patent applications of Fujifilm is an optical system of 16mm F1.8. XF 16mm F1.4 R WR because of the design, which was involved in image quality to correct the aberration optically, or would AF can be said to be somewhat sluggish. 16mm F1.8 of the patent application does not undertake any optical correction of easy distortion and chromatic aberration of magnification and digital correction, it is an excellent lens in harmony with the digital.

XF90mmF2 R LM WR and XF35mmF2 R WR F1.8 / F2 series that was started in starting is, 14Mm F1.8 and 16mm F1.8 is to be lineup I do not maybe.


TOP OF THE SHOTS at the X-shooter Facebook Zone! (NSFW)


Darrell Byers‎: Here’s an image I made of my daughter on her way to her high school prom in a 1955 Chevy. Shot with the X-Pro2 and a 56mm.

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Here are the most liked images of the Fujirumors facebook photostream… and keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: The next selection will start from those images shared starting from June 3!

Enjoy the X-shots ;)

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Andrea Giannizzero Furegon‎: Sunrise in Burano (Venice) – X-E2 + XF 18-55

Push the READ MORE Button to Enjoy More TOP IMAGES (NSFW)

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Fuji X in Fashion (and short fashion film)



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guest post by Jon Macapodi – website

My name is Jon Macapodi, I’m a Fuji shooter and work as a freelance fashion photographer in New York City.  You can view my work on my website.

When I started doing this full-time about six years ago, I was fully entrenched in the Nikon system. My first experience with Fuji was with an [shoplink 46368 ebay]S5 Pro[/shoplink] I had borrowed, and it left an impression that in some ways still ring true today, “Unparalleled colors and skintones, quirky operation.” After that, based on my love for Fuji’s color science, I purchased a used X10 as a “day-off” camera. Immediately I fell in love with the straight out of camera jpegs, and even the aforementioned quirkiness (in this case, the super high dynamic range pixel-binning party trick of the X10). I began using the X10 for some personal work, then actual work, when the technical limitations of the camera wouldn’t interfere with the creative goals or requirements of the shoot.

I shot heavily with the X10 for about a year alongside my Nikons, and it was probably the most influential year for my work from an artistic standpoint: the inherent limitations as well as strengths of the X10 really pushed me to produce and become a better portrait photographer and deepen my creative vision for women’s fashion without relying on the visual “crutch” of full-frame DOF on f/1.4 glass.

I traded in my X10 for the X100S upon release and it was the death-knell for Nikon in my camera closet.

Fast forward to today, and I’m now fully invested in the X system, with an X100T + TCL, X-T1, X-Pro2, and the 16mm f/1.4, 35mm f/1.4, 56mm f/1.2, and 90mm f/2 and the Rokinon 135mm f2 (I really wish Fuji made one of these…). For the longest time I was holding onto my D800 and some glass for occasional video booking, but once I saw the quality, color, and undeniable “Fuji Magic™” present in the video files of the X-Pro2 I gladly sold what the remainder of my Nikon collection.

Today’s Fuji’s are still not without occasional “quirky operation” moments (especially as a video tool), but the X-Pro2 particularly is the most enjoyable and complete photography tool I’ve ever worked with, and it continues the tradition of the X10 as a catalyst for creativity in my work in women’s fashion.

Here’s are some samples from a shoot this past week, including a short fashion film shot on the X-Pro2. Credits: Claudia Todman @ RE:QUEST Model Management, styled & shot by Jon Macapodi, beauty by Claire Beevers @ Smith & Brit.





