IBIS (in body image stabilization) Coming to Future Fujifilm X Cameras – Trusted Source

What Fujifilm Managers Say
I know what you think: “But didn’t a Fujifilm manager tell us in this interview, that IBIS is not compatible with Fujifilm X-mount?”
Yep, that’s true. The manager said:
“Our XF mount is not compatible with IBIS […] the amount of light at the corners is reduced when the sensor is shifted. We could correct it digitally, but we don’t want to do it: we don’t want to compromise our image quality.”
But, well…. today I will tell you a different story…
What Trusted Source Says
The rumor is as simple as that: Fujifilm is right now working to bring IBIS to future X-mount cameras.
The Market Wants IBIS (in body image stabilization)
Just like “weather sealing”, also “IBIS” is becoming more and more important for photographers. Fujifilm’s main mirrorless competitors (Sony, Panasonic, Olympus) all offer IBIS… and it has become a strong selling point!
Now, personally, features like “weather sealing” and “IBIS” are not primary reasons for me to get a camera or not. More important, for me, are lens line-up and ergonomics for example.
But I understand that IBIS can be indeed a very handy tool, especially if you use a lot of old adapted glass and shoot video with OIS-less glass.
So if you ask me, then yes, it’s a good move for Fujifilm to offer IBIS in future.
But Fujifilm has to give us good IBIS that deals very well with the shortcomings the Fujifilm manager mentioned here… and every camera manufacturer is actually dealing the same issues.
NOTE: Canon and Nikon say IBIS works not as good as Lens Stabilization – Read more here.
How Reliable is this News Rumor?
This rumor comes from a trusted source. This is why I personally take no grain of salt at all. I’m 100% sure that these are Fujifilm’s (current) plans.
I also know that Fujifilm can change plans anytime, but I have the feeling that this won’t happen this time.
IBIS will come… and actually, this Fujifilm camera already has IBIS ;)
The Calm before the Storm…
I have the feeling that great times could be ahead of us… and summer holidays or not, I will invest all my best (and my time) to keep you guys up to date with everything. So stay tuned on FujiRumors via Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.
have a GREAT start in your week,
IBIS on Fujifilm Cameras: Could This Solution Bring it to X-Series Cameras?