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Fujifilm X-H1 Vs. X-T2 Vs. X-Pro2 Read Noise in DNs versus ISO Setting Results by PhotonsToPhotos


Photons To Photos just published their Read Noise in DNs versus ISO setting measurment of the Fujifilm X-H1.

Almost identical results to the other Fujiiflm X-Trans III cameras. Check them out here.

Bill explains:

“The drop at ISO 800 is where dual conversion gain starts.This is a relatively common technology first proposed by Aptina in their DR-Pix Technology White PaperĀ  and was probably first used in the early Nikon 1 cameras. Dual conversion gain works by lowering Full Well Capacity (FWC) to improve read noise.Bec ause FWC is lower there is a minimum ISO setting at which you can apply the technique.”

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