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Amarcord deals: Refurbished FinePix S5 and GF670

[shoplink 875 ebay]


Our reader Jonathan sent us the link to a refurbished deal on cameras we don’t talk about very often.

The first deal is the two refurbished [shoplink 875 ebay]Fujifilm GF670 Rangefinder Folding Film Camera (Click here)[/shoplink]. This is a superb medium format camera and it makes me a bit proud to know that Fuji is still investing on developing film cameras. Not because I am a nostalgic men but because I I am convinced that medium format film has a “different” flair and quality that is yet unmatched by digital cameras. Just try to shot a B&W 120 roll with that camera and you will understand what I mean!

The second deal is related to the last Fuji DSLR camera, the Fujifilm FinePix S5 Pro. You can find two refurbished cameras, one at [shoplink 877 ebay]Photographicstuff (Click here)[/shoplink] and one at [shoplink 878 ebay]Supersmartelectronics (Click here)[/shoplink]. The camera has been announced back in 2006 and a lot of time passed until Fuji released another system camera, the X PRo 1.

But it’s undeniable now that Fuji’s future is the X mirrorless system and maybe even a new FF X system. There is no way back to DSLR and I don’t know how long they will make Film Cameras too.

found via Slidoo.
