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X-E1 and 18-55mm lens: some reviews


1) X-E1 review at pocket-lint

Here is the review. In short, the PROS and CONS: PROS: Image quality is excellent, build quality is superb, retro style works a treat, high resolution electronic viewfinder, 18-55mm lens has bright aperture range and is well built. CONS: Autofocus not as swift as competition, close focus limitations, exposure comp dial can be knocked easily, 18-55mm lens positions rotational rings close together, small LCD screen, so-so battery life.

2) X-E1 + Fujinon 18-55mm

– A Fujirumors reader anticipated me and already posted the link of in the comments to my previous post. They tested the Fujinon 18-55mm lens. Among the others, the PROS of this lens are the good edge-to-edge sharpness, fast and quiet autofocusing and zooming, built-in image stabilisation… the CONS: don’t buy this lens if you need it for macro photography and extreme close-ups. The overall rating of this lens is 8.8, but as our reader noticed in the comments: “Their rankings are always a bit high though. Almost every single lens they review gets above 8.0.Just read more here. (click here for the sample images) tried out the X-E1 in combination with the Fujinon XF18-55mm lens. Read his impressions here (translated version). He posted some images here.

– First impression of the X-E1 with 18-55 and 35 lens can be read here at the dpreview forum.

3) X-E1 impressions posted his review about the X-E1. He is really happy with this camera, saying: “I love shooting with the X-E1. It is just the right size, smaller then the X Pro1 and slightly larger then the X100. I am a big fan of manual aperture and shutter speed dials, being able to see those settings instantly, even when the camera is turned off, is a huge plus”. He also suggest to improved writing and processing speed using the SanDisk Extreme Pro.

We will stay tuned, because he’s waiting for his Sony NEX-6 to come and he will compare it with the Fuji X-E1.

At the end of my post about the open letter of Pedro Kok to Fuji (see here) I asked you to make a list of the bugs you would like to have resolved and suggestions in order of importance. Also mikekobal now made a short wish list for future improvements. Here is his list:

-focus peaking in MF mode
-allow 3x/10x magnification while camera writes data to the card
-Choice of lowest and highest ISO setting for Auto ISO
-Auto ISO in manual mode AND the option to use +- compensation.
-Manual selection of slowest shutter speed in P/A modes

 X-E1 in stock status check:

ebay US / ebay Noth America / ebay Europe / Amazon US / Amazon GER / Amazon UK / Adorama /B&H / WexPhotgraphic

PS.: to our Japanese readers: you can now buy the new Fujinon 18-55mm zoom lens at ebay. Click here to see all the Fujinon available in Japan and worldwide at ebay.
