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Travel-X: “Think carefully before making a shot!” or how to explore Iceland with just the 35 + X-T1 (by Kamenev Dmitry)


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photo of Dettifoss – the most powerful waterfall in Europe

guest post by Kamenev Dmitry

I’m a lucky owner of [shoplink 21553]X-T1[/shoplink] from Russia and several days ago I’d been traveling in Iceland with friends. It is a country where every photographer (even the worst one with an old mobile phone camera) can feel like a superprofi.

Only two years ago I owned [shoplink 16850]5Dmk2[/shoplink] with EF 24-70/2.8 and a full kit of accessories for wedding photography – it was my little hobby (I’m far from profi). But suddenly I’d got a lack of free time for my hobby and decided to sell everything, because my DSLR was gathering dust on the shelf due to its size and weight.. But I couldn’t stop taking photos and bought [shoplink 15293 ebay]Fuji X100[/shoplink], which I think is really a great camera. I’ve owned X100 for 2 years and everything was good but I felt a great lack of lens change ability… So when I heard rumors about X-T1 I already knew what I would buy next.

And here it is Iceland! Real challenge for new Fuji… with only [shoplink 12889]XF35/1.4[/shoplink]. I was ready to chew my hands off because several weeks ago I’ve sold my [shoplink 12887]XF18-55 lens[/shoplink]. No, XF35 is an excellent lens but it’s about crime to go to Iceland without wide and zoom lenses. It was my first and the most serious mistake. Next time I hope I’ll have XF 16-55 f/2.8.

But 35mm is better than no lenses and such fix is very strict lens and makes you think very carefully before you make a shot.

The second mistake – I took only one battery. I charged it every night but its 250-300 frames capacity was extremely insufficient for me during the all day. So it made me think twice before making a shot. Next time I’ll take at least 2 batteries.

And the final mistake – memory card. I thought that 32GB card would be enough for me. No, it would not! I had to delete several photos to shoot some more. So it made me think thrice before shooting.

And now I can say that it was challenge not only for my camera but for me. As for X-T1 – now I like it much more: its weather sealed body helped me to shoot near waterfalls and during heavy rain; its lightweight allowed me to climb over hills and mountains and so on.

As a result of my trip here are some of my most favorite shots. By the way, some of them were taken out of the car while moving!

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