Fujifilm Patents Fujinon XF 200-600mm F5.6-8 and XF 100-600mm F5.6-6.3

If you believe in mythological entities like Unicorns and Leprechauns, then I don’t want to ruin your joy in believing also in the fabulous world of Fujifilm patents and I invite you not to read beyond the headline (which many don’t do anyway) and stop reading this article right now.

But for the brave guys, who will continue to read and are hungry for the truth, here it is:

  1. After 11+ years of blogging and hundreds of patents shared, I have yet to see one single patent that later on turned out into a real product
  2. it’s curious that we have tons of patents shared, but we never get to see patents of real upcoming products
  3. the most accurate patents I have seen are the ones that show variations of already existing product

Well, today we are in category Nr.3, with a couple of patents that very likely show variations of the existing Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 spotted by Asobinet. You can find them down below.

One of the variations is 6.3 at the long end. But of course this would have made the whole lens bigger and more expensive. And given the success the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 experienced (3rd best selling lens of 2022 on FujiRumors), Fujifilm was probably right to contain size and cost by making it f/8 at the long end.

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