Fujifilm X-H2 Mockup – Ideas to Set it Apart from Fujifilm X-T4

Fujifilm X-H2

Fujifilm hinted it already: both lines, the X-H and X-T, will continue to exist in future.

There is just one thing Fujifilm needs to figure out: how to differentiate them enough!

An idea comes from FR-reader Brad, who made a Fujifilm X-H2 mockup for us. Here is what he wrote to me:

  • Video centric X-A7 16:9 fully articulating screen (I’m ok with the current double-tilt too, but 16:9 would be nice).
  • If Fuji wants each of their camera lines to have a unique voice, then the X-H2 would have less photography controls and more video. So I removed the mode dial and added the Nikon Z6 video switch. This wouldn’t work as cleanly as on the Z6, since manual controls exist up top. It’s not like they’re going to add tiny motors to the dials, but this is for dreaming.
  • Replaced AF/AE-L with AF-ON, because that’s the only one I use.
  • I hate the Fuji joystick, so I used the Z6’s

So what do you think about it? Comments and additional ideas are welcome.

Thanks Brad, and check him out at bradwooten.com and b.e.wooten Instagram (NSFW).

X-H3 version with Nikon Z50 alike on screen touch buttons