Fuji financial results….Sold 100-tausend X100 cameras!



Fuji released a pdf containing the latest info about their financial status (Click here to download): “In photo imaging business, sales decreased due to strong yen appreciation and the impact of the earthquake.” That was to be expected, also other Japanese companies reported similar (if not worse) losses. The good news is that the Fuji X100 “especially showed considerable sales beyond the Company’s expectations and reached the annual sales target for the first year of 0.1 million units in nine months. In addition, sales of FUJIFILM X10, released in October 2011 as a second model of the X series, are showing a positive start. Despite the overall decline in digital camera demand from the previous year, sales volume increased by approximately 7%, reaching 9.5 million units.

This is the goal for the future: “The sales volume target for this year will be set at 13 million units, up 16% from the previous year.” I guess all depends now from the X PRO 1 sales. Just my guess: If the camera price would have been a tiny bit lower than I am sure they would sell many more units than they can imagine. But at $1700 (or Euro) the line between success and failure is thin!

(pdf found via NoisyC)


Fuji X system manual downloads!


Image on top: X PRO 1 with extra attached grip and flash. Doesn’t look that sexy anymore :)

Fuji X-Pro1 manual now available online as pdf document (Click here to download). And there is also a X lens manual (Click here to download).
