Lenstip tests the 60mm macro: “it is the best X lens!”


We had no doubt the 60mm macro lens was the best of the first three X lenses launched back in January along the X PRO 1. Lenstip published the full review and said: “Out of three lenses, launched along the Fujifilm X-Pro1, the 2.4/60 model has the best pros to cons ratio“.Here is the pro and cosn list:


  • solid and high quality casing,
  • very good resolution in the frame centre,
  • good resolution on the edge of the frame,
  • excellent correction of chromatic aberration,
  • slight spherical aberration,
  • good coma correction,
  • negligible astigmatism,
  • moderate vignetting,
  • good transmission.


  • noticeable distortion,
  • unreliable autofocus,
  • work against bright light could have been better.

Links to the lens at Amazon and BHphoto.


Fuji roundup (SLRmagic, X PRO 1 vs E-M5)


Image courtesy: ThePhoBlographer.

As you know not only Fuji and Zeiss but also SLRmagic announced new X mount lenses. One of them is the 23mm f1.7 HyperPrime and you can see some picture of the lens attached on the X PRO 1 at ThePhotblographer. This is a manual focusing lens and it will be available for purchase in February 2013 for $399.

ThePhoBlographer also posted a double X PRO 1 field report:
1) Weekend of Extended Use With the Fujifilm X Pro 1 and Olympus OMD EM5 (Click here)
2) Shooting Candidly With the Fujifilm X Pro 1 (Firmware 2.0) (Click here)

US reminder: There is still that $300 saving deal on the X PRo 1 purchase at Amazon (Click here). But despite that huge deal the X-E1 is far more popular according to Amazon rankings. The X-E1 probably hit the right price-features spot.
