Polaroid Says: “Fujifilm Controls 99% of Instax Film Market, But We Are Growing and Have Very Interesting Products Coming”


Polaroid Vs. Fujifilm

Fujifilm and Polaroid are right now battling hard.

As we reported here, Polaroid wants Fujifilm to pay millions of dollars in annual royalty, because they claim Fuji’s Instant Square Film borders are copied from the iconic Polaroid film.

We will keep you updated with the evolution of this battle, but in the meantime, Polaroid Originals (that’s how Polaroid is called after it has been bought by the Impossible Project) gave an interview to the French site focus-numerique, where they talk, amongst the others, about Fujifilm.

Polaroid says (google translated from French):

We are growing, but in terms of the analog instant film market as a whole, Fujifilm is the dominant player. It controls 99% of the market.”

They do seem confident though, that they will take some of the market share away from Fujiflm:

Q: What strategy do you adopt to face Fujifilm’s competition? Are you planning to produce smaller films?”

A: We have very interesting projects on the side of our equipment, but nothing we can reveal for the moment.”

I must say, I do like (and was considering to buy) the Polaroid Zip. And IMHO it is never good, if a company has a monopoly. So I do hope that Polaroid will release some awesome products in near future, that will finally put some pressure on Fujifilm… maybe to motivate Fujifilm to make the long awaited Instax SP-Wide printer!!!!!

Also Leica tried to enter the Instax market, with the Leica Sofort back in 2016. It uses uses Fujifilm’s Instax film, so it contributes to the 99% market share of Fujifilm.

Overall, Instax is an absolut winner for Fujifilm. It’s half a decade now that Instax products dominate the OVERALL camera sales ranking at AmazonUS, and at times, where the X-series was massively losing money, the earnings made with Instax products where used to fuel the R&D for the X-series.

In case you missed it… in the documentary “How Fujifilm survived the digital age” that we shared here, a Fujifilm Instax employee says they simply can’t keep production up with the high demand.


Profoto Air Remote TTL-F Compatible with Fujifilm X-T20 and in Late April with X-E3 (Firmware Ver. 1.2.0)


Profoto Air Remote TTL-F compatible with X-T20, and soon with X-E3

Official Profoto Statement

FUJIFILM has just released a new firmware for its camera X-T20 (Ver.2.0.0), which makes it compatible with Profoto Air Remote TTL-F.

From late April 2018, Air Remote TTL-F will also be compatible with Fujifilm X-E3 through a X-E3 FW upgrade from FUJIFILM (Ver.1.2.0).


Your camera’s Shutter Type setting should not be “Electronic Shutter”.
Make sure to use the latest firmware on your Air Remote TTL-F and Profoto flashes.


Fujifilm X100F: How Good is the X100F Lens, Meikon Underwater Housing, G.A.S. DETOX, Brown X100F, King of Street & More


Let’s dedicate another roundup to the acutally the best looking camera ever (maybe beaten only by some Leica film cameras), the Fujifilm X100F. But the X100F is not only sexy… it’s also a great performer. So enjoy today’s Fujifilm X100F roundup.

Cover stories

After our rumor of a special brown X100F edition, our X100 facebook group shared several mock-ups in this post of the group. I will share them here for you all. At the very top you see a brown mock-up, whereas down below you can see even more “phantasy” versions of it.

  • How good is the X100F lens? at aths
  • Meikon Underwater Housing for Fujifilm X100F available at Meikon here (image below)
  • X100F. Still the King of Street at ivanjoshualoh
  • G.A.S. DETOX: 10 days with X100F at ivanjoshualoh


& More

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Fujifilm X-E3 Review


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Guest Post by The Overrated Photographer. You can follow him on instagram or on his website


The Fujifilm X-E3 is Fuji’s fourth iteration of the X-E series camera. It was the X-E1, X-E2, X-E2S and now the X-E3 (although I stand corrected if I missed one). I’d love to say my journey started with the X-E1, but back in those days, I was in Nikonland oblivious to the world of mirrorless. Some hardened Fujifilm users would say I haven’t paid my dues. My journey in the X-E series started with the X-E2s and despite it being a great camera, it’s been a little frustrating for me, in part because I also had an X-T2. I liked the image quality but I wasn’t using it much for a couple of reasons:

  1. The AF was not great coming from DSLR’s, it’s only really with the arrival of the X-Pro/X-T2 that we saw DSLR like AF performance.
  2. The button layout was poor compared to the X-T2 – It was probably good at the time it was released, I think I was spoilt by the X-T2 and that made the X-E2s experience seem substandard. It was simply too hard to do what I wanted coming from the X-T2.
  3. I miss Acros whenever I use it – Acros is one of my favourite film simulations so having access on the X-T2 and no Acros on the X-E2S meant more often than not I’d be reaching for the X-T2 over the X-E2S despite it’s smaller size.
  4. I miss the joystick from my X-T2 – For AF, the joystick is a pleasure to work with and having worked with the X-T2, I find it hard to shift back to my X-E2S or X100T.

When I started looking at a replacement for my X-E2S, I looked at the X-T20, but the joystick was missing from the camera.

For a period of time, I was stuck on the choice between the X-T20, another X-T2 and perhaps even an X-Pro2 as a second body. I’d given up on the X-E3 as the X-T20 didn’t have a joystick so why would the X-E3 have one?

Fortunately it turns out I was wrong but the choice still wasn’t a foregone conclusion: It came with the joystick, but minus the tilt screen and minus the D-Pad. The lack of tilt screen I could live with as I could use my X-T2 for that, the lack of D Pad I wasn’t so sure about. As I started looking at the videos of the X-E3, I realised it may not be that big an issue if Fujifilm was right about their implementation of the touch screen so I decided to give it a try.

Fujifilm X-E3 - XF35mmF2 - 1/1000s - f7.1 - ISO200
Fujifilm X-E3 – XF35mmF2 – 1/1000s – f7.1 – ISO200


The US retailer price is US$899 or about AUD$1300 in Australia (where I live). I picked mine up at CameraPro who seemed to be one of the first with stock of black X-E3’s. It’s fairly reasonable pricing given the specs and performance. The X-E3 also comes with two kit lens options, a XF23mmF2 or XF18-55mmF2.8-4 option, both of which are very good lenses and not “kit” lenses in the conventional sense of the word. I’d highly recommend considering one of these options if you don’t have either lens.

Packaging and Contents

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Fujifilm X-H1: Steve Huff Review + One Month with X-H1 + The Good, Bad and Lovely + Fringer Pro with X-H1 + Trackside with X-H1… & More


Athol’s customized Fujifilm X-H1

Fujifilm X-H1 Roundup

Here is a little Fujifilm X-H1 roundup for you guys. Lots of reviews and also a new series started by the Fuji Guys, “Trackside”, with a total of 3 videos for now.

Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

Cover Stories

& More


  • dc.watch – For the “FUJIFILM X-H1” on GRAMAS liquid crystal protective glass supervised by Silver
  • scvphotoideas – New Dedicated QR Plate for the Fujifim X-H1 from Hejnar Photo

FujiRumors is everywhere: Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter

Fujifilm X-H1 News, Rumors and Discussions
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image courtesy: blickwechsel
