“OK Fuji… You win. I’ll shoot JPG ;-) !” Are X-shooters mainly JPEG shooters? The answer in these POLLS!
image courtesy: xuser101
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FXF member xuser101 was a RAW shooter, but since he owns a Fuji, he gravitated more and more towards the JPEG’s. Now, after a year and a half he capitulated and said “OK Fuji… You win. I’ll shoot JPG!”
Here is an excerpt of his story:
“Well, after about a year and a half with the X-T1, I think I’m finally going to shoot JPG only (except for rare occasions). Why? I just can’t replicate (in Lightroom) the great color and tones I get straight from the camera. I’ve tried for awhile now to tweak the Adobe provided camera profiles to my liking, but they always seem to have too much contrast and the color just isn’t quite the same.
Adjusting white balance in Lightroom? The X-T1 has the most accurate auto white balance I’ve seen from a camera. I previously gave that nod to the Olympus E-M1. So, adjusting white balance for my Fuji files isn’t as important anymore.
Recovering highlights or lifting shadows in Lightroom? That’s not as important anymore either because I’ve editing the in-camera settings to my liking so that I don’t have really harsh shadows or highlights. I can tweak a little here and there as I see fit for the JPG files in Lightroom.”
Personally, I do love the flexibility of Fuji’s RAW files (and the impressive dynamic range). Shooting RAW turns out to be very handy in situation, where I don’t have much time to worry about the right in-camera settings. A graduation party at school? A teachers’ strike? Better focus on capturing the right moment and adjust the settings afterwards in post.
That being said, the colors that come out of the magic Fuji X box are also for me the main reason to try to keep as often as possible the JPEG image or to tweak the RAW file using the build-in RAW converter. And I know I’m not alone to like the Fuji Colors. In fact, as shown in this Poll, the Fuji Colors are one of the Top 3 Reasons for X-shooters to own a Fujifilm camera.
Ok, you got it… I shoot RAW+JPEG. And what do you shoot? Looking at your Fuji X Photo archieve, how many of your images are processed RAW’s or OOC JPEG’s (maybe slightly tweaked in post)?
Feel free to drop your vote and explain us your choice in the commments… and always keep in mind: Fujifilm is Reading you!!! … not kidding ;)