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Fujifilm will launch the first X series camera with 1” sensor in about 3 months (Anonymous Source)


 photo SUPERZOOM_zpsaaivggdu.jpg

According to an anonymous source, Fuji will announce a X series camera with an 1” sensor in the next few months (around September / October). It could have a fixed zoom lens with a range similar to the one of the Fujifilm X-S1, which has a 24-624mm zoom lens.

Sounds a lot like the Fujifilm X-S2, but this is not part of the rumor.

Anyway, will we soon have the first X-series camera featuring a 1” sensor?

To be clear, the grain of salt is mandatory with every rumor I share (especially anonymous rumors). Don’t take everything as a fact, just because my rumor hit rate is of almost 90% in 2015 – btw, many of them shared by anonymous sources.

I hope I will be able to confirm it via trusted source as soon as possible, and that I can say once again: “Hey, I told you” ;) .

stay tuned,
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