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Fuji X-T10 success story continues: “IQ better than many higher-end cameras. Easy to capture great-looking images”



Ok, let’s be honest: who among us would have bet a single dime on the success of the Fuji X-T10? Not many I guess… but we were proven wrong!

The latest Fuji financial report says the Fuji X-T10 is selling strong, dpreview compares it with the A6000, D5500 and O-MD E-M10 and says the Fuji X-T10 is hands down the most pleasurable of the bunch to use, and for what it’s worth, after playing with it for a while in a store, I also felt an unexpected attraction to it.

And the triumphal procession does not end here:

cameralabs tested the X-T10 and says:

As for the Fujifilm X-T10, its forte once again is image quality, delivering the best-looking photos of its peer group [O-MD E-M10II, A6000 & Lumix G7], not to mention better than many higher-end cameras. […]

The combination of Fujifilm’s unique sensor, faithful image processing and superb lenses makes it easy to capture great-looking images straight-out-of-camera without modification. Quite simply, the X-T10 is the mid-range mirrorless camera for those who prioritise photo quality over movies and other frills.”

The Fujifilm X-T10 also beats one of his strongest competitors, the Olympus O-MD E-M10II, in the test of focus-numerique (translation):

“[google translated] In the end, the two cases are very similar and each has advantages and disadvantages. Even between the two models point by point, a winner emerges not clear. We are in a duel, so you have to choose just one. And for us, this is the Fujfiilm X-T10.

Despite the versatility of optical Micro 4/3 park, we have a small penchant for bright optical Fujifilm and the ability to more easily create a rear blur (longer effective focal, generous openings). As soon as you go up the sensitivity, Fujifim housing also takes the upper hand over its competitor with a more refined and pleasant noise control.”

And one more: shutterbug says the X-T10 is “a Portable But Powerful Mirrorless Camera From A Venerable Brand
