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Fuji X-Pro2 Vs. Nikon D7200 “Fuji is still ahead for overall color, look, feel + contrast out of the box” :: TheCameraStoreTV


Fujifilm X-Pro2
: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

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TheCameraStoreTV tested a production X-Pro2. They compare it also with the X-T1 and Nikon D7200.

The X-Pro2 is overall a little step forward over the X-T1 in terms of Dynamic Range, ISO-performance, AF-speed. In terms of resolution (and compared to the D7200) “Fuji is not pushing far ahead of any of the other comparable sensors, but they are certainly getting on par with the latest technology“.

From the conclusions:

Autofocus: Improved Vastly, just not the speed, more the handling (AF speed not yet on a par with Panasonic & Sony A6300)
Image Quality
: Although Fuji brings the X-Pro2 to a level everybody is at (24MP), Fujifilm is still owning for overall color, look, feel and contrast out of the box. JPEGs are beautiful. The RAWs are very similar as well! You just get this great looking photo, very little post to be done.

Moreover, the entire episode was filmed on a X-Pro2, and this is what Jordan told me in his email to me:

We were able to test the RAW image quality of a production X-Pro 2, but also shoot the entire episode on one. I was shocked with how much better the image quality on the new sensor is!”

HUGE Fuji US-X Sale now also at BHphoto & Adorama (save up to $400)

About Fuji’s High-ISO performance (and the Myth of Fuji Cheating) + the virtues of the build-in RAW converter! – POLL
