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EXCLUSIVE IMAGES :: Detailed View of the Fujifilm X-T2 Vertical Battery Grip! :: 2 batteries + “Turbo Boost”!


An anonymous source shared the image of the Fujifilm X-T2 vertical battery grip (VG-XT2) via email (sharing images via rumor box is a new feature… don’t hesitate to use it :-) )

Trusted sources confirm that the images are real.

You can see the “Boost” function (for higher frame rate) and, as clearly visible, it takes 2 batteries!!! :-).

With the vertical battery grip attached, the X-T2 will take its juice from 3 batteries overall. And given how much the X-T2 will probably suck (in terms of battery life ;) ), this is a very welcome addition.

The Fujifilm X-T2 will be announced in late June / early July.

have a great day,
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Click Read More to See The Image
Also check out this youtube video for more details

 photo battery grip_zpsq5ddikch.jpg
