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Digital Camera Market Share 2022: Canon Dominates Ahead of Sony and Nikon, Fujifilm 4th


Every year, Techno System Research, a major marketing research company located in Japan, publishes the worldwide camera market share data.

And while the data is behind a (very expensive) paywall, the main chart (see above) for this year has been published by the Japanese Nikkei.

Digital camera 2022 global market share (compared to 2021) *Techno System Research

  1. Canon 46.5% (+0.7%)
  2. Sony 26.1% (-0.9%)
  3. Nikon 11.7% (+0.4%)
  4. Fujifilm 5.8% (-0.1%)
  5. Panasonic 4.2% (-0.2%)

This is the data for the entire digital camera market.

I find the mirrorless ranking more interesting, as it is free of all those DSLRs Canon and Nikon still sells.

And I wonder where Fujifilm would rank, if they just would have been able to ship the X100V and pretty much any other camera that was basically never in stock even if just recently announced (see X-E4).

For mirrorless only, sadly no data had been published so far and not even in 2021, but this is the data we had for 2020

  • Sony: about 35%
  • Canon: about 30%
  • Fujifilm: about 12%
  • Nikon: about 7%

I hope they will offer again a separate ranking for mirrorless cameras.

via digicame-info via Nikkei
