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AF-challange: Kobe’s soccer game photographed with the X-E2! (Bert Stephani)


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The big question is: how fast is the AF on the new X-E2 really? The AF-performance was maybe the only real weak spot of the overall amazing X-system. Although much improved firmware after firmware, the AF of the X-E1 still can’t catch up with the records of Panasonic and Olympus.

What changed with the X-E2? Bert Stephani tested the AF-performance during Kobe’s soccer game:

“The X-E2 has an AF system that combines contrast detection and phase detection technologies. Theoretically this should improve focus speed a lot, particularly in good light. So I took the X-E2 and the [shoplink 12892]55-200[/shoplink] to Kobe’s soccer game last weekend to give the AF a serious challenge.

I didn’t expect the X-E2 to focus as fast as a Canon 1Dx or a Nikon D4 but I also didn’t expect it to be really useable for shooting soccer. But to my surprise it held up pretty well and I got quite a few action shots. The continuous focus is still a bit hit or miss, but it focusses so fast that I got some nice stuff in single shot focus mode.

I’ve seen some impressive numbers about the focus speed after the lenses will have received a firmware update, so things can only get even better in the near future. “

Read Bert’s full article (and see his shots) here at

image courtesy: confessionsxl

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