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RUMOR: Fujifilm GFX Fixed Lens Camera “About the Size” of Fujifilm X-Pro3

Today we have a rather important update regarding the fixed lens Fujifilm GFX camera.

Our trusted sources have told us that the fixed lens Fujifilm GFX will be “about the size” of the Fujifilm X-Pro3.

NOTE: our sources said “about” the size, not “exactly” the size. This means there will be a size difference, but it won’t be that big. On the contrary, they will be quite close in size.

Fujifilm Wins X-Pro3 Lawsuit

Back in 2022, Fujifilm started to face a lawsuit filed for allegedly falsely advertising ‘Reliable Durability’ on the Fujifilm X-Pro3.

Now the entire case has been dismissed.

when the listing is read in full and in context, Plaintiff’s cherry- picking of certain words does not lead a reasonable consumer to that conclusion. There is nothing “unambiguously deceptive” about Defendant’s Product listing.


Plaintiff alleges that the subject representations are that Product’s construction from titanium, when combined with certain advanced features, “create a camera that can be relied upon to perform in any situation,” and is made “for photographers on the move who want top-level features, a low-profile, and reliable durability.”

But that language simply does not tell “consumers [the Product] would function reliably and be free of flaws, damage, defects, and deficiencies subject to normal and intended use, although even when the camera is in excellent condition and never dropped or banged, the sub monitor and LCD become non-functional because of the defective ribbon cables.”

The Amended Complaint does not draw any connection between ribbon connector cables and the Product’s “body design [that] features a top and base plate constructed from titanium” thus making it more durable than stainless steel.

A representation that the Product’s top and base plate is made of durable titanium simply does not lead a reasonable consumer to believe that the Product’s ribbon connector cable would never require repair.

At the end it looks like the whole evidence where mostly a couple of screenshots taken from forums.

In my experience, when the issue is real and widespread, Fujifilm does take action, as for example with the Fujifilm X-T1 light leak. But evidently this was not the case with the X-Pro3.

You can read the full ruling here.

Fujifilm X-T4 Discontinued (in Addition to X-Pro3, X-E4, X-T30II, GFX50R, GFX100)

Fellow FR-readers saw it coming already.

The Fujifilm X-T4 had been removed from the Japanese Fujifilm store back in September 2022 and also stores overseas started to mark it as discontinued.

Well, now it’s also time for BHphoto & Co to remove the Fujifilm X-T4 from their store, hence it’s now marked as discontinued also there.

The Fujifilm X-T4 joins lots of other Fujifilm cameras that are already marked as discontinued, such as the Fujifilm X-E4 (we reported back in March here), the X-T30II (we reported here), the Fujifilm X-Pro3 (we reported here), as well as the Fujifilm GFX50R and the Fujifilm GFX100.

But, trust me guys, don’t expect a Fujifilm X-Pro4, Fujifilm X-T40, Fujifilm X-E5, Fujifilm GFX50R replacement and Fujifilm GFX100 replacement to drop all on May 24, just because they are now discontinued.

The Latest and Greatest

Fujifilm X-Pro3 Now Discontinued also at BHphoto and Adorama

Back in December we reported how the first stores started to mark the Fujifilm X-Pro3 as discontinued.

Well, the inevitable disappearance of the Fujifilm X-Pro3 continues, as it is now marked as discontinued at BHphoto here and at Adorama here.

The situation does not look much better at Amazon either.

Some stores even totally removed the X-Pro3 from their website, such as Wexphotovideo here.

As I told you from a parking lot, I believe the Fujifilm X-Pro line will continue to be an experimental line for Fujifilm and I am looking forward to see what the Fujifilm X-Pro4 will look like. As soon as I have rumors about it (as well as the permission to share them) I will let you know.

X-Pro4 Dreams

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Fujifilm X Summit in May :: X-Pro3 with Normal Screen :: Expodeo Exposure Donut :: Fujifilm Managers Interviews & More :: Top 10 March Posts

Here are the top 10 articles for March grouped in two categories:

  • rumors you should not have missed
  • most clicked articles
  • most commented articles

In the third category, only those articles will by linked, that were not already in the first list.

Must Know Rumors

  1. Fujifilm X Summit in May (not April)
  2. Fujifilm X-S20 coming with NP-W235 Battery (Rumor) but not in April (Speculation)

Top 10 Viewed Articles:

  1. Expodo: Meet the Exposure Donut and How it Could Work on Fujifilm Cameras
  2. DPReview is Closing: Good Bye after 25 Years of Excellent Service
  3. CURIOSITY: Fujifilm Switzerland Shows X-Pro3 without Hidden but Regular Tilt LCD Screen – UPDATE
  4. Fujifilm Spain Displays Camera Roadmap with New “Disruptive” Models Coming in May and September
  5. Fujifilm Managers Interview: Talking Fujifilm X-Pro4, Autofocus, Fujifilm X-T5 Sales, 5th Generation GFX, X100V Demand and More
  6. Lightroom Fails with X-Trans V: Are 40MP Fujifilm X-T5 Files Really Softer than 26MP X-Trans IV Files?
  7. Sigma CEO: “APS-C has Still Great Benefits over Full Frame”
  8. DPR Fujifilm Managers Interview: Fixed Lens Fujifilm GFX, X100V Success, Skipping Full Frame was Good Decision
  9. CANCELED: No More Fujifilm X Summit in April – Trusted Source
  10. Camera Autofocus Ranking: Fujifilm X-H2s and X-H2 vs Sony, Canon, Nikon, OM System (Bird Photography)

Top 10 Commented Articles

  1. I am Going to PARIS – But With Which Gear? Your Gear, Photo, Food and More Tips Needed
  2. Fujifilm Spain Displays Camera Roadmap with New “Disruptive” Models Coming in May and September
  3. Let’s Talk Fujifilm X-E Line Future
  4. Lightroom Fails with X-Trans V: Are 40MP Fujifilm X-T5 Files Really Softer than 26MP X-Trans IV Files?
  5. Sigma CEO: “APS-C has Still Great Benefits over Full Frame”
  6. DPR Fujifilm Managers Interview: Fixed Lens Fujifilm GFX, X100V Success, Skipping Full Frame was Good Decision
  7. DPReview is Closing: Good Bye after 25 Years of Excellent Service
  8. Fujifilm X-E4 Discontinued at BHphoto and Other Stores
  9. LEAKED Image of Sigma 23mm f/1.4 DC DN
  10. VOTE :: The Ultimate Fujifilm GF Lens Poll – Let Fuji know What You Want!

CURIOSITY: Fujifilm Switzerland Shows X-Pro3 without Hidden but Regular Tilt LCD Screen – UPDATE

UPDATE: Error is now fixed

Here is a weekend curiosity:

Fujifilm Switzerland is currently showing a Fujifilm X-Pro3 with a normal tilt LCD screen rather than with the hidden LCD.

I have no idea why they decided to photoshop the mini-LCD away and replace it with a regular one.

Some will speculate that Fujifilm is now preparing for a Fujifilm X-Pro3 MKII with normal tilt LCD. Well, I have no information about such a camera coming. Nor have I information about the Fujifilm X-Pro4.

Let’s see how long it takes for Fujifilm Switzerland to fix it. Or maybe they are preparing for April 1? ;)


Fujifilm X100V Stock in Fall 2023? The Bad (X100V, X-E4, X-Pro3), the Good (X-T5, X-H2S, GFX) and the Struggling (X-H2)

It’s true, the Fujifilm X100V is hard to find these days.

But it’s actually much worst than that.

I took a look at all Fujifilm camera lines (the ones that survived, not the ones axed by Fujifilm), and we can see that the X100V enjoys great company when it comes to long waiting times.

What’s easy to find in stock are the higher end high profit margin top tier mainstream cameras.

This gives us two options on what is going on:

  1. Fujifilm gear has suddenly become terribly popular, except for the X-T5 and X-H2s which don’t sell and hence are easy to find in stock
  2. Fujifilm is struggling with parts procurement and is prioritizing high profit margin cameras that sell well and are crucial for Fujifilm’s future

I don’t know you, but I’d go for Nr.2.

Now let’s look at the situation today.

The Bad

X100V silver is expected to be in stock in fall 2023 at BHphoto. No time indication for the black X100V. You find only overpriced marketplace X100V cameras on Amazon. Out of stock pretty much everywhere.

X-Pro3 dura silver is expected in 2 to 4 weeks. No time indication for all other colors. Given that the X-Pro3 is slowly being discontinued, I am not very opmtistic about its future stock status.

X-E4 black is expected to ship in 6 to 10 weeks at BHphoto. No time indication for the other colors and kit combinations. We remind you the X-E4 was launched in January 2021 and the last time I’ve noticed the X-E4 in stock was back in October 2021. Not even the X100V has such a bad shipping record as the X-E4.

The Good

The Fujifilm X-T5 (both colors) is expected in 7 to 14 days at BHphoto. You can find it in stock at Amazon US and Adorama. There is 1 to 2 weeks waiting at Moment only for the black version.

The Fujifilm X-H2s is easy to find in stock. And you even get Capture One 23 for free if you buy it at Adorama.

The Fujifilm X-S10 is easy to find in stock.

The Fujifilm X-T30II is in stock in silver and the black one is expected in 7 to 14 days at BHphoto. It is in stock in both colors at Adorama here. You can find it in stock also via third party sellers at Amazon, and if you buy sold by Amazon it will ship in late February.

The Struggling

The Fujifilm X-H2 is expected in 7 to 14 days at BHphoto. Out of stock with no time indication given at AmazonUSAdorama and Moment. I guess the huge chunk of 40MP sensors Fujifilm has available are used for the Fujifilm X-T5, so this inevitably means that it prolongs the waiting for the Fujifilm X-H2.


All good on the GFX front, with all cameras being easily available.

Fujifilm X-Pro3 Discontinued :: Can 2023 Beat the Amazing 2022 :: Our Top X Mount Lens Wishes :: AVATAR Loves Fujinon – Top 10 December Articles

Here are the top 10 articles for December 2022.

  1. Fujifilm X-Pro3 Discontinued but Not Because Fujifilm X-Pro4 is Coming – REPORT
  2. Fujifilm 2023: Can it Beat the Amazing 2022? A Look at What’s Coming (for sure) and What we Hope for
  3. VOTE :: The Ultimate Fujifilm APS-C Lens Poll – Let Fuji know What You Want
  4. Viltrox 75mm f/1.2 Officially Announced
  5. Avatar: The Way of Water: These Unbelievably Good Fujinon APS-C Lenses were Used to Film Large Parts of the Movie
  6. Firmware Updates for Fujifilm X-T5, X-H2 and X-S10
  7. Dear FUJIFILM, We Decided: Make These 6 X-Mount Lenses Next!
  8. List of Fujinon XF Lenses that Get Maximum Benefit from Fujifilm X-H2 (and X-T5) with 40 Megapixel Resolution
  9. Viltrox 75mm f/1.2 Sample Images and Announcement Around Christmas
  10. Fujifilm X-T5, X-H2 and X-H2s – The Higher End Trinity Review Roundup

Fujifilm X-Pro3 Discontinued but Not Because Fujifilm X-Pro4 is Coming – REPORT

Some reports are appearing that indicate how the the Fujifilm X-Pro3 has been discontinued.

The first one comes from India, where a fellow X shooter looking for an X-Pro3 spoke to a Fujifilm distributor, who was informed by the regional Fujifilm sales person that the Fujifilm X-Pro3 is discontinued [see screenshot above].

Another report comes from a Swiss Fujifilm shooter, who got told the same by a Swiss distributor (X-Pro3 no longer in production), with the addition that no Fujifilm X-Pro4 is in the pipeline.

Speculations are rising, and so far here are the options I see.

  1. Fujifilm X-Pro4 is coming
  2. Fujifilm X-Pro3 simply is not selling well enough anymore and the parts shortage that is still going on forced Fujifilm to stop production on lower selling models
  3. The class action lawsuit the X-Pro3 is suffering is forcing Fujifilm to stop production

What’s your most likely scenario?

If you ask me, I’d go for Nr.2. But the option that would make me most happy is the Nr.1 of course :)

Fujifilm X-Pro3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

Ronaldo, Messi and GFX :: Fujifilm X-T5 :: The Revenge of the X-T4 :: Fix This Fuji :: X-Pro3 Class Action & More – Top 10 November Articles

Here are the top 10 articles for November.

  1. Fujifilm X-T5 – FULL SPECS and PRICE LEAKED – Same EVF of X-T4 and More Details
  2. The Revenge of the Fujifilm X-T4: Declared Best Mirrorless Camera by Germany’s Most Prestigious Consumer Organisation (and X100V Best Compact)
  3. I am Sorry Fujifilm, but You MUST fix This NOW (a Firmware Request and a Workaround)
  4. Size Comparisons: Fujifilm X-T5 vs X-T4 vs X-T3 vs X-H2/s
  5. LEAKED: First Fujifilm X-T5 Images
  6. Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 for Fujifilm X mount Listed at Stores – Announcement Imminent?
  7. National Geographic Top 10 Travel Cameras 2023: Fujifilm X-T5 “Reigning Champion” and X100V (3rd), X-S10 (7th)
  8. After Summit Wishlist: Fujinon XF70mmF2 and XF23mmF2 MKII Mock-ups
  9. Fujifilm X-Pro3: Class-action Lawsuit Filed for Falsy Advertising ‘Reliable Durability’
  10. SIMPLY the BEST: Messi and Ronaldo Meet the Fujifilm GFX100S of Annie Leibovitz

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