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Adobe: improved X-Trans support soon (film simulation support)!


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Something is moving at Adobe (click here)…. it’s whispered that the company will soon improve the support for the X-Trans RAF files. What I know about it until now is this:

I’ve been told that, with the next update, Adobe Lightroom and Camera Raw will support Fuji’s Film Simulations. So you can finally put the Fuji X-Trans RAF’s in Lightroom and the software will be able to reproduce faithfully the various Film Simulations mode (Provia – Velvia – Astia – ProNeg Hi – ProNeg. Std – B&W Monochrome +Ye+R+G).

It will be compatible with every X-cameras, including the X-T1!

P.S.: But that’s not the only good news I’d like to spread today. Canadian readers who purchase the X-T1 until March 31 will get the vertical grip for free. Check it out.

And a must read in these days:  Rico’s X-T1 first look here!


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