Save 20% on Viltrox AF 27mm f/1.2

You can now save 20% on the Viltrox AF 27mm f/1.2 X lens with code 204IA9DI. You will see the discount apply at checkout.

The lens is shipped by Amazon and sold by JYphoto-NA here.

The deal is for AmazonUS, but you can still save 8% on the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 Pro by using our coupon code FUJIRUMORS at checkout if you purchase directly at the Viltrox Store here (shipping worldwide).

Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 Review by Optical Limits: “an Impressive Piece of Equipment”

Opticallimits has published its review of the Viltrox AF 27mm f/1.2 XF Pro.

They are impressed by its performance and write in their conclusions.

Viltrox has delivered an impressive piece of equipment – again. The Viltrox AF 27mm f/1.2 XF Pro is sharp at f/1.2 and great at medium aperture settings.

As expected, the RAW vignetting is on the high side at f/1.2, but auto-correction reduces the issue to a more manageable level.

Image distortions, as well as CAs, are negligible in their original form already.

The quality of the bokeh is good but not flawless. The general out-of-focus rendering is very smooth in the background. However, the “cat eye” effect sets in quite early, and there’s some bokeh fringing at very large aperture settings.

Flare is quite well controlled for such a fast lens.

The Viltrox lens isn’t a king when it comes to sun stars, but given the 11 aperture blades, the designers simply focused on bokeh quality instead.

The mechanical quality of the Viltrox Pro lens is outstanding and easily on par with Fujifilm’s own prime lenses. It’s a tightly assembled, all-metal body with smooth, high-quality controls and fast AF (on the X-H2, at least). Internal focusing, weather-sealing, and a water-resistant coating on the front element provide protection against tough outdoor conditions.

You can read the full review at opticallimits here.

You save 8% on the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 Pro by using our coupon code FUJIRUMORS at checkout if you purchase directly at the Viltrox Store here (shipping worldwide).

Save 8% on Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 PRO with Our Coupon Code (Worldwide)

Viltrox has just now activated the coupon code rebate for the brand new Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 PRO.

You save 8% on the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 Pro by using our coupon code FUJIRUMORS at checkout if you purchase directly at the Viltrox Store here (shipping worldwide).

The same code gives you access on 8% discounts on plenty of other gear sold at the Viltrox Store.

Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 Pro now available at:

Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 PRO now at BHphoto

The Viltrox AF 27mm f/1.2 PRO XF lens is now available for pre-order also at BHphoto here.

You can also grab it at Amazon US now sold via Viltrox.

Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 Pro now available at: