RUMOR: Fujifilm X100V Successor Coming with a “New” Lens in Early 2024

We already told you that the Fujifilm X100V successor will be launched in early 2024 (and ship in late 2028 probably :) ).

Well, today trusted sources have informed us that the Fujifilm X100V replacement will come with a “new lens”.

No further details for now but I am working on it and update you as soon as I can.

But I want to be clear:

“New lens” for now is a vague hint and could mean just anything: from a minor redesign that would make the lens weather sealed without the need to apply a filter (which is currently needed to seal the X100V lens) or also a redesign with different focal length/aperture [for example the patented 20mmF2 lens for X100 cameras]. Just everything is possible at this point.

So, for now “new” just means that there will be differences over the X100V lens, but how strong this difference will be I can’t tell right now.

A minor change? A substantial redesigned? I’ll make sure you’ll get the answer here on FujiRumors.

Certainly this comes surprising, as in 5 generation of the X100 line (X100, X100S, X100T, X100F, X100V), Fujifilm has refreshed the lens only once, on the last generation, the X100V. So personally I would not have expected another refresh to come that soon again. But it’s happening. Word of trusted sources.

Fujifilm X100V Successor Coming Early 2024: The Hottest Name Speculations (and Vote Your Favorite)

Now that I have told your that the Fujifilm X100V successor will come in early 2024, I am sure that many of you have lots of questions about it.

Questions, that you are free to share down below in the comments and I promise I will work on them and hopefully be able to answer soon.

One of the questions I have not yet the answer to is the name of the X100V successor.

And since I am tired to share rumors calling it the “X100V successor” I thought I’ll do it like this. I will now share a couple of naming options and you vote on the one you like most. The winning name will be used by me for all further rumors (at least until I find out the real name).

And let’s start with a feedback coming from a FR-reader via the revived rumor box.

X100R because…

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