Minneapolis with the X100s

Building Trio Minneapolis by John Magnoski

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Guest post by John ~ www.magnoski.com

Like most of us here in Minnesota, I was experiencing a bit of cabin fever a few weeks ago.  We spend so much time indoors that any sunny and relatively warm day make us all want to put aside our duties and head outdoors.  The fact that we had a record-breaking warm streak in February made focusing all the more difficult.

So I met up with my friend Jake to run around downtown Minneapolis to capture a variety of images with my favorite camera – the Fujifilm X100s – a wonderfully compact, large sensor camera with a great fixed lens and awesome image quality.  What was at one point a “splurge” purchase 3 years ago, intended purely for fun, turned out to be a camera I use on every professional job I am assigned to.

The simple form factor of this camera gets out of my way so I can shoot freely.  It is such a refreshing way to capture photographs – simple, intuitive, emotive.  These days most digital cameras lack “soul”, but not the Fuji.

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